Hi, I'm Stephanie.  I'm 40 & have been overweight since I was 5.  

Diets have included WW (many times), Diet Center, NutriSystem, & 2 medically supervised liquid diets.  I have managed to lose weight several times (never down to goal), but long term maintenance has eluded me.  

Bad back problems in the mid-90's resulted in 2 surgeries & permanant nerve damage.  Other health problems have come on since then, though I consider myself lucky as I don't have several of the complications from obesity (yet).  About 10 years ago my PCP recommended I look into WLS (then it was mostly RNY & usually not covered by insurance).  I wasn't ready.  Over the years new doctors have mentioned WLS too, but I wasn't willing to consider it yet.  

Last year my luck was starting to run out & other complications were creeping in that I really wanted to avoid. Thus, the time is now!

I have a great support network.  I have a great family.  I also have a great love of food & wine.  That last one has been a troublesome relationship & it's time to fix it!  Wish me luck!

About Me
Concord, CA
Surgery Date
Mar 23, 2008
Member Since

Friends 53

Latest Blog 12
Halfway There! 77 down, 75 to go!
60 lbs down & just "obese"
7 Weeks Post-Op
Memorial Day Update (5/26) 4 wks Post-Op
My 1st Post-Op Appt 5/16/08
2 Weeks Post-Op
1 Week Post-Op
Tomorrow's the Day!
Useful Websites
Pre-Op Appt done, next stop, surgery day!
