Hair loss..and LOTS of it..when does it stop??

on 8/6/11 3:51 pm
I had surgery a little over 3 months ago and have been losing my hair for the last 2 weeks. I have lost almost half of my hair in those 2 joke! I use to have thick hair and now it is so thin at the top that you can see my scalp in some spots. I am freaking out! I am just wondering how much hair others lost, when you stopped losing it, and  when the regrowth started?

on 8/6/11 3:55 pm
I started loosing hair at about 3 months.. it just recently slowed down.. even though some days it still comes out quite a bit.. I am nearly 9 months out.. I take biotin and get 90-95% of the suggested protien in.
on 8/6/11 5:03 pm
I've been reading a lot of posts about hair loss.  I had no idea it could be so severe!  I have extremely thin and fine hair as it is!  I'm only three weeks post surgery so I can't imagine what I have to look forward to.  Thanks for the tip on Biotin.  I just placed an order for a bottle of it from Amazon.  I hope keeping up with protein and biotin helps. 
Dawnie 88
on 8/6/11 10:31 pm

I started losing hair about 3 mths postop, and stopped losing around 7-9 mths postop..that's when I finally started noticing new growth.  I had to cut  my hair avoid brushing it as much and running my fingers through it.  I also changed where I parted my I started noticing some really thinned out patches.  It will start coming back...but it may take awhile.


on 8/6/11 10:32 pm
Elle31, I am curious if you got all of your protein an vitamins in from the get go?  I only ask because I am 4 weeks out and my NUT said although hair loss can/probably will happen, that i can drastically lessen the amount by getting all my protein and vitamins in.  And I hope yours slows down real soon! :)
on 8/6/11 10:33 pm - chesapeake, VA
Im going through the same thing right now, I had a lot of hair and not really minding the thinning out so far, but it does worry me how much is coming out daily!!  I dont know if I can take 5 more months of this I hope it stops soon.. Ive been trying protien hair treatments. not sure if that will help.
on 8/6/11 10:32 pm
What is the recommended dosage for Biotin? I started losing hair at 4 months. It is not extreme yet since I have lots of hair but it is very fine. I see lots of posts about taking biotin but not that tels you how much.
on 8/7/11 12:19 am, edited 8/7/11 12:21 am - NJ
VSG on 03/08/11 with
I think that it is pretty common and yes I have lost a good deal of hair as well. I spoke with my doc last week and he also suggested zinc. As well and upping the protien and biotin. My hairdresser also said that seaweed is also good for the hair so I am trying to do a little seaweed salad when I can.
Also try not to shampoo more than every 2-3 days and let your hair air dry as much as possible. Round brushes and over brushing will increase your loss. I am beginning to see new growth however the shedding continues but I think that it may be slowing down.
My hair was thin to begin with so I understand your concern.

One more thing, protect your scalp from the sun! Very important because sunburn to the scalp can damage your hair follicles and give you thinning hair permantly. Hats ON!
Nothing worth having comes easy.  Success comes with hard work and determination and sacrifice!   

 ROCK ON!             
on 8/7/11 1:19 am
VSG on 01/06/11 with
My surgery was January 6, and I started to notice the hair loss in early May - so about 4 months out.  I had been taking Biotin regularly since December and getting in good protein most of that time.  My hair definitely feels thinner than before, but doesn't really look thinner.  My main problem with it is that my hair is EVERYWHERE!!  The sink, the drain, the bathroom floor; my hairbrush was looking like it was growing it's own hair!  When I get stuff out of the dryer I have to go through it to pull the hair that's stuck to it (mainly socks).  I finally got my hair cut shorter because I figured if my hair was half as long, I'd only have half of it on the sink, and the drain, hairbrush, etc.  It does give it more volume, but I still find hair everywhere.  I do notice some shorter hairs sticking up, maybe I'm getting some new growth.

I've heard that Nioxin shampoo helps some people, but not everybody.
    HW: 335.  SW: 318.  CW: 161.0.  Height 5'8.  Age 43.
(deactivated member)
on 8/7/11 1:30 am
I started taking biotin (5000 mgs daily) a month before surgery.  I tried to make sure I got all my protien in from the get go which is not easy in the beginning.  It didn't help.  I am still losing hair by the handfuls, I have very long, curley hair so most people don't notice it but of course I do.  One nice thing about taking biotin is my nails are beautiful and I have to file them weekly to keep them from becoming too long.  Never had that "problem" before.  I will just wait it out as I don't think there is anything that can be done about it.  Our bodies have gone thru a shock with surgery then again with a serious change in diet. I believe the hair will grow back and after all its just hair and I would rather be bald and healthy than overweight, bad health and hairy.
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