VBG in 2003--Revision Consultation Appt in March

on 1/10/22 2:35 pm - San Antonio, TX

Hi! Almost 20 years ago, I found this community got a lot of support through my first journey. I lost over 150 lbs, twice. The first 150 lbs melted off after surgery with exercise and dietary changes. The second 150+ lbs was my ex-husband. Once I had my breast reconstruction and tummy tuck, it was the beginning of the end. Anyway, all these years later, it has become clear to me that I need medical intervention again to help me set up restrictions and lifestyle changes to return to a healthier weight and hopefully longer life. I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, reflux, beginning COPD, lots of body pains mostly muscular and arthritis (had hip replacement in Dec. 2020), anxiety, depression, peri-menopause and recently pre-diabetic condition. Most of of these are controlled with medication (HBD, Cholesterol, reflux). Before I decided to have the hip replacement I was trying to decide between moving forward with revision or hip. The first surgeon I saw was not warm or encouraging. The first thing he said to me when he walked in the room was, "Welcome to the club of failed VBG, but good luck getting your insurance to cover revision." Yeah, I'll pass, dude. So, now I'm ready to try again but am looking for any tips, suggestions, advice. I'm trying with UT-Health this time. Thanks for reading. T

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