Keith Kim

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 with 76 ratings

Keith Kim Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

76 Reviews for Keith Kim
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I haven't met Dr. Kim personally yet, but I've attended the free \"welcome seminar\". I was very impressed with both the hospital and his staff. He got caught in a massive traffic jam and couldn't be there. I hope to meet him soon.rnrnUPDATErnrnI finally got a chance to meet Dr. Kim and he seems like such a nice man. I really enjoyed listening to him speak and he made me feel like I'd be in good hands!


I had my RNY Gastric Bypass in DEC 2008. rnLet me preface by saying that I have worked in an administrative hospital/healthcare setting for over 13 years-I found Dr Kim's office to be very accessible, which is ultimately where the patient derives a great deal of benefit. Although, I must say that anytime I have had a question or concern, even pre-op, Dr Kim's Nurse and staff always conferred w/ Dr. Kim and responded \"immediately.\" The in-office follow-ups were appropriately timed and you never feel rushed-Dr. Kim will answer any and all questions, primarily because he feels connected with his patients and feels he has a vested in terested in your success. As some have mentioned in their reviews, Dr. Kim does stress the importance of viewing this procedure as a journey and not just a procedure-I personally have had much success after getting a personal trainer, who i see 1-2 times a week. I have budgeted the money I used to spend on food to pay for this, and still have money left over-the entire process and journey has been unbelievable , thus far.

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Dr. Kim makes an immediate impression of caring, professionalism, expertise and confidence.rnrnThe office staff is uniformly excellent, friendly and anxious to be helpful. Anything you need or want to know, just ask.rnrnEmphasis is primarily on aftercare, as it should be. Dr. Kim tells you up front that his part is easy -- to do the surgery and create the pouch. rnrnFrom there, he says, all the hard work and dedication is up to the patient. It has to be a total lifestyle change -- for the rest of your life!rnrnOverall, I rate Dr. Kim and the surgery itself as outstanding -- I wish I had done it 10 years ago!


Dr. Kim is very knowledgeable and I was really impressed by him. The hospital is fantastic as well. All the staff at the seminar were very helpful and the insurance coordinator (Amanda) is on top of her game. This was the second seminar I've been to. Dr. Kim wasn't trying to sell the surgery to me...instead he outlined why surgery is very likely the only viable option for people like me. I also like that he makes his patients have a pre-op psych eval and has a post-op program. He says that he and his staff are not successful if his patients are not successful at hitting their goals. I appreciate that I'm not going to be left out in the cold after my surgery.


My first impression on his office, all his staff were helpfull and since I was an out of state patient they gave me priority and he was very asertive and profesional. He also aknoledge all concerns about the surgery since seven years before I had a gastric band (Lapband) removed because it slip. He explained that the Gastric Sleeve (VSG) was a "new" alternative between another Gastric Band or the Gastric By-pass.
He is not just a surgeon, he has a well structured program with sycologist, exercise program and a nutricionist, all included.
I was required to have a sycologist, nutricionist and exercise evaluation weeks before the surgery and two weeks before the surgery you are required to attend a Seminar were a nurse and nutricionist will explain all surgery after care, diet "cooking" classes showing how you must prepared your food to make the surgery work.
After surgery he was extremly competent, the nurses on Florida Celebration were Great even when the pain medicine maked me vomit and it was painfull; and since I was an out of state patient Dr. Kim require that I stay close to the hospital for three weeks and every few days his office called to know if I was ok.
The only complication that I did had was an infected incision site on the abdomen (were the stomach is removed), and required 10 days with an strong antibiotic.On surgery date I was 309 and just five months later I'm 223 ( 86 pound lighter). I'm on control and I feel like a new person.

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I'd read that Dr. Kim did not have a very good bedside manner, but was a very proficient surgeon. I'm here to tell you, don't pay attention to comments like that. Dr. Kim and I hit it off immediately! He even made an impression on my husband upon first meeting him. We both felt that I was in great hands. Dr. Kim even gave me a pat on the leg and told me I was in good hands and that he would take care of me before surgery. What more can a girl ask for as she is being rolled into surgery? That made me just really relax and go with it. I found that gesture to be personal and it let me know that I was more than just the next procedure for him. Dr. Kim has a VERY structured aftercare program. He feels it's very important to exercise as a part of life pre and post surgery. He is good at explaining his expectations and anything you may be going through that needs explanation. I would rate him a 10 overall and I believe his surgical competence and bedside manner were both good.

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Right away from the first info session, I thought Dr. Kim was a nice guy who knew his field very well.rnrnHe seemed compassionate about helping those with weight issues overcome their struggle by helping provide them with a tool to make it happen.rnrnI do wish that we were able to meet with Dr. Kim a little earlier in the process, but my date was moved up, so I was an unusual case as far as meeting him. Plus, I know you have every opportunity to meet him at every info session as he is there every Wednesday. Dr. Kim placed extreme emphasis on following the eating plan and keeping up with support groups as it completely immerses your life with information on how to work your tool. The office stresses that brain surgery isn't done, but just bariatric surgery. Overall, I've been very happy with my experience, and look forward to the many meetings/appt I will have with him and his staff in the future!

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Dr Kim was very good


I first saw Dr. Kim at his seminar and I felt he really cared about obese people. He really is very professional. I felt very confident that he knows what he is doing and will look out for both me and my husband. He has the most awesome office staff. They are very nice and efficient. He is very adamant about aftercare. He really wants you to be educated and supported. He has support groups every Wednesday (each Wednesday is for a different part of the journey). I feel he is a very cautious doctor, but would you want it any other way? I still feel I made the best choice even after my surgery and have no doubts that he will take good care of my husband. Update: He took great care of us and after 2 years, I know we made the right choice! (Both my husband and I are a little below our goal thanks to Dr. Kim and his staff!)


I did not attend an in-person informational seminar--having attended the online session--so, it seemed a bit odd to get so far into the process before actually meeting the doctor. When I finally had my pre-op appointment, I found that Dr. Kim is kind, compassionate, and obviously dedicated to helping people suffering from obesity. He answered every question clearly and concisely, and calmed my nerves immensely. The office staff is sensitive and well-informed--many being fellow WLS patients themselves. Dr. Kim's pre-op education stresses aftercare, including specific dietary guidelines and exercise regimens. I have confidence that the program is well-researched and designed for maximum weight loss success.

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