50 Search Results for sugar addiction

Before & After VSG with Melissa

Before & After VSG with Melissa, losing 109 lbs!

November 13, 2018 · 0 comments

Why I Decided to Have WLS I was very thin, I was a size 0 in my senior year of high school. However, when I went to college, I gained almost 100 pounds in a year after being placed on a series of medications. Once I was married, in 2001,

stop before you eat

Stop Before You Eat, What Are You Really Hungry For?

September 26, 2018 · 0 comments

Stop Before You Eat! Take time to listen to your "hunger"...What are you really hungry for? Good question, I am eating right now as I am writing this article and asking myself this question. The answer for me at the moment is true hunger. The focus of this article is to

True Hunger After WLS

How You Can Discover True Hunger After WLS

September 12, 2018 · 0 comments

Obesity & the Princess and the Pea I often use the imagery of the princess and the pea story when trying to illustrate what’s behind one’s obesity. The pea is the problem. The pea is the source. The pea is where it once started. The pea is the heart of


Calorie Counting: 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Tracking After WLS

February 19, 2018 · 0 comments

Weight loss surgery depends mostly on restriction. Many patients rely on restriction without having a proper nutrition plan, or have a very a strict caloric controlled plan but end up sacrificing flavor or not enjoying their meals. Let's get into what the so-called Calories actually are. A calorie is a

12 Small Nutrition Changes

12 Small Nutrition Changes That Can Add Up To Big Results!

December 27, 2017 · 0 comments

12 Small Nutrition Changes That Can Add Up To Big Results! As the New Year approaches, so does the opportunity to get a fresh start and create new resolutions or goals to improve your health, both physically and mentally. Unfortunately, everyone dreads creating their New Year’s resolutions, since in many

OH2017 Recap

OH2017 Recap, Thank You for Making a Difference!

December 19, 2017 · 0 comments

We'd like to give a big shout out of thanks to all of the amazing OH2017 attendees, speakers, sponsors, volunteers, and exhibitors. Also a big thank you to Diana Vogel, the emcee for the 2017 ObesityHelp National Conference. Every single person's enthusiasm and participation helped to make the 2017 ObesityHelp

Obesity and Trauma

Obesity and Trauma: When the Body Cries Out

November 10, 2017 · 0 comments

Obesity is often referred to as an epidemic in the United States, and with good reason, as more than 1 in 3 American adults are classified as obese[1].  Many of us sought out weight loss surgery to help with our obesity, as we tried many other methods prior to this,

saturday sessions

Announcing the 2017 ObesityHelp National Conference Saturday Sessions!

July 6, 2017 · 0 comments

Saturday Sessions For Education & Support From Professionals! Join us in Long Beach, CA, on October 27th & 28th for two jam-packed days of education, support, and celebration! We are very excited to announce the 2017 ObesityHelp National Conference Saturday sessions and professional speakers. Whether you're new to ObesityHelp Conferences or a

Stages of Grief

Pushing Past the Grief, My WLS Revision

April 14, 2017 · 0 comments

At my highest weight, I astonished myself when the scale at my doctor's office read 345. How did I get here? I gorged myself without thinking of the consequences. I ate my feelings. Big Macs, ice-cream, pizza, you name it! An hour later, I would feel hungry again and ask what’s for

before after vsg with dennis bruno

Before & After RNY with Dennis, losing 147 pounds!

January 17, 2017 · 0 comments

I have struggled with excess weight since the first grade. I come from an Italian heritage, so portion size was always supersize. I was very active in school, participating in wrestling and lacrosse, which kept me from looking my actual weight but after graduation, I started to pack the weight