How to cook healthy food on a budget on April 13, 2009
As a dietitian working with cardiac rehabilitation patients, Providence Hospital’s Kay MacInnis has long heard the complaint that it costs too much to prepare healthy meals.
“I’ve always heard that, but I hear it a bit louder now,? she said.
As the economy sputters and unemployment rises, strolling the aisles of the grocery store can feel like navigating a financial minefield. But just because the economy is lousy doesn’t mean you have to start eating junk food.
Weight loss needed for children, not only for adults on April 13, 2009
Childhood obesity has increased dramatically in many countries and become a situation for concern.
For example, in the U.S., according to the latest childhood obesity statistics from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, an estimated 16 percent of children and adolescents ages 6-19 years are overweight. In the U.K., the government has set aside £372 million to reverse the rising trend of obesity with the initial focus on children by helping them to have healthy lifestyles.
Ford laborer is nearly half the man he used to be on April 13, 2009
For many married couples, a tight embrace may be as ordinary as a kiss hello.
That, however, wasn't always the case for Mike and Ginny Pascarella.
"I haven't been able to this for a while," Ginny Pascarella said as she wrapped her arms around her husband, locking her hands on the other side.
"That's what made all of this worthwhile," her husband noted, smiling from inside his wife's tight hold.
Body Contouring Surgery ? Is it for you? on April 13, 2009
Over the past decade, Body Contouring surgery has grown far faster than any other procedural aspect of cosmetic surgery. Statistics released by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Cosmetic Surgery National Data Bank revealed last month that since 1997, when combined statistics were first compiled, there has been a 333.5 % increase in abdominoplasty, 251.5% increase in breast augmentation, and a 642 % increase in arm lift compared to a 33.6 % increase in facelift. While a downsized economy over the past year resulted in an overall ten percent reduction is cosmetic surgery procedures (down from 2,079,032 to 1,766,695 operations), three of the most common operations are Implant Breast Augmentation (355,671), Liposuction (341,144) and Abdominoplasty (tummy Tuck, 147,392).
Nutrition, getting kids to eat healthy on April 10, 2009
Overweight and obesity are associated with heart disease, certain types of cancer, Type 2 Diabetes, stroke, arthritis, breathing problems and psychological disorders, such as depression. In 1999, 13 percent of children aged 6 to 11 years and 14 percent of adolescents aged 12 to 19 years were overweight. This prevalence has nearly tripled for adolescents in the past two decades.
Tackling obesity hard work, um, play on April 10, 2009
Difficult problems typically are not solved without hard work, and this is also true for the childhood obesity epidemic sweeping Ohio and the nation. But, tackling childhood obesity is unique in that "hard work" is not the only phrase that describes what needs to be done.
Get rid of obesity in a healthy manner on April 10, 2009
RAPID WEIGHT loss has become an important issue for almost everyone. One can know whether he is obese or over weight by calculating his body mass index. This is one of the scales that are used by the medical persons to calculate whether a person is obese or not. There are different levels of obesity and it is always good to know about the effective weight loss programmes and the weight loss exercises at an earlier stage.
Snoring: Reasons and cure on April 10, 2009
SNORING IS a familiar problem that can badly affect both the quantity and quality of your sleep. And poor sleep, in turn, causes other problems like weariness, irritability etc. To heal this problem, it is necessary to identify the causes of snoring. Then only can we try to find the most excellent cures. In most cases, simple non-invasive treatments are enough and other forms of cures are needed only in uncommon instances. Snoring is more widespread among men than women and the trouble intensifies with age. The nonattendance of snoring will make life more pleasant for you and your partner.
Top Five Medical Reasons To Consider Weight-Loss Surgery on April 10, 2009
While improving your self-esteem and lowering your pants size are significant benefits of weight-loss surgery, the health benefits can be dramatic. Nick Nicholson, M.D., weight loss surgeon on the medical staff at Baylor Regional Medical Center at Plano, explains how the surgery can actually improve certain health conditions.