Will I be able to take my Claritin Post-op?

I have sever seasonal alergies and the only thing that works is my Claritin. Can I take this after surgery? My doc doesn't want us to take any aspirin compounds (ASA, Ecotrin, Bufferin) or anti-inflammatory medications (Ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, Aleve, Maprosyn, Anaprox, Voltaren, Feldene and Ultram) 10 to 14 days pre-op and not at all post-op. Does anyone take Claritin post-op? Have you had to make any modifications with your meds? Any informaiton would be welcome. Thanks!.....    — heidiinPA (posted on May 18, 2000)

May 18, 2000
Hi Heidi, I am a Claritin user and I was able to start taking immediately after I was released from the hospital. I still take it and have no problems whatsoever. I hope this helps...Good Luck...
   — Marni

May 18, 2000
I am post-op and take 10 mg. of Claritin every day with no ill effects.
   — Holly G.

May 18, 2000
I take Claritin D 12hour, occasionally, for my sinus problems. I also take Motrin, Vicodin, and Soma (muscle relaxor) for my back. When my sinuses started giving me problems I called my surgeon and he said that Claritin D would be fine. Good Luck Linda Open RNY 6-18-99 & 8-14-99 (Surgeon make a mistake on the first surgery) 102 pounds lost so far.
   — Linda F.

May 20, 2000
Hi, I take claritin. I dont have a problem. I dont take all the other stuff either. The aleve, advil etc. We are not suppose to take them. But, I guess if I had to I would. Just know that you can take your claritin after surgery. I been taking mine and have no problems.
   — Lee Ann B.

November 9, 2000
Hi. I also us Claritin D 24 hour. I have severe sinus problems and was recomended by my Doctor. It works very well for me.
   — Mary H.

August 28, 2002
I take Claritin liquid syrup once a day. It's not as good as deconamine, but they don't make a liquid for it anymore. At least the Claritin doesn't make me drowsy in the day, but I have to take more 12 hours later. If anyone else knows of a liquid antihistamine/decongestant that doesn't make you drowsy (forget Benadryl) please let me know. But do ask for the liquid, it's fast acting!
   — suitfugue

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