Do you always have to have plastic surgery?

Even if you exercise during your weight loss, does everyone have horribly disgusting skin left over? I weigh roughly 115 too much, and yes, I know my skin is stretched, but will I HAVE to have the surgery? Just throwing this out there to those who have already had the surgery.    — Wendy R. (posted on October 22, 2003)

October 22, 2003
I am only 3weeks out today,and I don't think I will have to. I am 21 and I think a lot has to do with your age. But hey if you lose the 115 lbs and you happy then I say tuck that extra skin in your pants and go about you day!!!! =0) I will just be happy to be healthy and smaller!
   — Amy M.

October 22, 2003
I am six and a half months out and down 83 lbs with 22 more to goal. At first I thought I would need my tummy done, but the closer to goal I get, the more I am thinking I won't need it. I have some saggy skin, but nothing I can't live with. I recently went on a vacation that required wearing a bathing suit and had a lot of anxiety about my body. But, it was all for nothing as I quickly realized that I looked a lot better in a swim suit than most of the other women my age!
   — Barbara C.

October 22, 2003
I am two years out and have been at my current weight for a year. I lost a total of 130lbs. I do not NEED plastic surgery, but boy I sure would like it. LOL You can not tell anything when I am fully clothed, but once the clothes come off.....With me it is a vanity choice, not a necessity. Someday I may, but it is not a huge concern for me.
   — RebeccaP

October 22, 2003
I have already lost over 100 pounds, and have a ways to go. I have a ton of skin that hangs down under my arms. I know I will tone that with exercise, but I have taken the philisophy to love my body because never in life have I been this happy.
   — Girl from B.

October 22, 2003
I lost about 125 pounds and it doesn't matter how much you exercise once the skin is stretched it doesn't go back very well. I exercised a LOT before I had plastic surgery and I looked like I was carrying around a huge tire on my stomach at 150 pounds. After my tt, I have a 26 inch waist!! I had NO fat in the stomach area (thanks to all the exercising) so they just cut off 5 pounds of excess skin.
   — Patty H.

October 23, 2003
It depends. I have lost 118 lbs and counting and as of right now I would say I will not need surgery on my arms. It depends on your muscle tone. I have no hanging skin under my chin. My stomach I may need a mini sugery. However my legs will need some major surgery. Keep drinking your milk, eating your protein and exercising (walking and swimming). Everyone is different. You may want to pull up questions on this site about skin surgery. Always remember everyone is different.
   — Linda R.

October 23, 2003
Hmmmm. I don't think the words, "Horribly Disgusting," when I see my spare birthday suit waving in the breeze. It's more like, "Ewww, quick, where's my spandex."<P> It depends. Does "have to have" mean, insurance will cover it as medically necessary reconstructive surgery because the patient has rashes or back aches or other such symptoms? Or does it mean that you would feel really dissatisfied ("horribly disgusting!" lol) with your post-op appearance without it?<P>I'm 45 and lost 140 pounds after WLS, down to 130 lbs. now at 5'7" following years of yo-yo diets. Since the surgery, I exercised pretty faithfully, including weightlifting. Even so, of course, I have extra skin, some of which I'd have anyway at this age even without a big weight loss. I can almost flatten my tummy with some of the super-spandex camoflaging undergarments you can get these days (funny ... when Mom wore them years ago, they were called "girdles"). But when the "girls" went south, they left *no forwarding address* (the "tennis ball in a sock" shape I hear about would be vast improvement in my case). Nothing about my situation would be covered by insurance (no big hanging panni, or rashes, or back aches), so nobody (including me) would say I "have to" have plastics in a reconstructive, medically necessary sort of way. Appearance-wise, I'd do 'em in a minute (ignoring financial considerations!!), except for my fear of implants, without which, there's probably not much point. I've seen some folks get extensive plastics covered by insurance as medically necessary reconstructive surgery with a weight loss similar to what you anticipate (115 lbs. or so), and others with much bigger weight losses who also have rashes and other serious issues get denied. It's really hard to know how you'll look and feel, and what might be covered, 'til you get there, and so it's just one of those risks associated with WLS.
   — Suzy C.

October 23, 2003
There are some lucky ones who do not need plastics, and many who don't medically need it but want it (my category..sigh), and many more who do medically need it, some of whom can get insurance to pay for it. Stretched and hanging skin depends on your age (younger is better), how many pregnancies you have had (none is best), your family genetics, how long and how much the skin was stretched (less is better), and luck. Exercise is great to tone the underlying muscle but does nothing for hanging skin.
   — Cindy R.

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