How To Redue Swelling After TT

I have a few general questions for any post-op Abdomnioplasty/liposuction patients. How long did the swelling last? How long until you were able to fit in smaller clothing? What was the average loss in sizes from your abdomnioplasty? When/ how much were you allowed to lift? (my surgeon did not answer any of these questions for me....beautiful work as a surgeon, but terrible bed-side manner....). Any other helpful hints you can offer in regard of the swelling and things related, would be greatly appreciated!!!    — twenc (posted on December 17, 2002)

December 17, 2002
The day before my abdominoplasty I tried on a pair of size 8 dress pants. They were VERY tight (could hardly get the zipper up without busting it!!). After surgery, it took about 2 1/2 weeks for the swelling to subside completely. I went from a tight size 8 to a size 4!! It's wonderful to be in such a small size.
   — Patty H.

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