average inches/sizes lost from procedure...

I am looking forward to having tummy tuck 11/21, and I was curious if those who have had the procedure would shar, how many inches/or clothing sizes you have lost after the procedure. Also wonder if the tummy tuck smooths out the skin around the rib cage and how that looks with breasts, how it affects the skin in the back, the pubic area, etc...    — twenc (posted on October 9, 2002)

October 10, 2002
I lost about 5 pounds of skin and then took off another 5 pounds after surgery. I have went down 2 clothing sizes from a size 8 to a size 4 pants. I have no idea how many inches I lost but there are a lot gone - particularily in my hips. My stomach is tight and my ribs are VERY pronounced. I don't have and have never had excess skin on my back so it looks the saem. The doctor pulled up my pubic area, however, it still needs to be "trimmed" down with another surgical procedure, but I doubt that I'll have that done. My breasts are hanging but they were hanging before the surgery so no change there. I think my stomach look a million times better and it certainly was worth it to have this surgery done and I would definately do it again.
   — Patty H.

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