Do carbonated beverages expand the pouch?

I heard from a mother of someone that lost 160 lbs after RNY and then re-gained the weight. She said that carbonated beverages expand the pouch and attributes her son's re-gain to drinking of a lot of diet soda.    — Karen K. (posted on August 27, 2002)

August 27, 2002
I was told by my dietician that carbonated beverages DO expand the pouch and that if I wanted to drink a Coke it would have to sit out for two hours until it was flat before I could drink it. I didn't drink a lot of Coke's before surgery so I decided to give them up altogether.
   — TP

August 27, 2002
Hi Karen, Even though I am very "out of the norm" relative to this surgery, it doesn't make my experiences any less valid. As for soda, I drink a couple everyday; sometimes more. I'm talking about regular sweetened sodas. I don't let them sit for a couple of hours, and I don't "sip" them - I drink them like "normal" folks. Look, not all WLS folks are the same. We all have different histories. What effects one person may have no effect at all on someone else. It's fine to generalize and to have "WLS Rules", but be aware there are exceptions to every rule. And I can't imagine anyone who considers themselves more "successful" than me. Good luck to you. Kevin
   — meilankev

August 27, 2002
My doctor said no, it does not expand the pouch. Soda is a liquid and liquids flow right thru. However, the carbonation in such a small place causes gas and fills you with air, making it uncomfortable. I haven't tried this so no first hand experience. For now, I have enough problems trying to get in all the water and have no time for other liquids! I doubt that that mother's son regained all his weight from DIET soda-more like food...
   — Cindy R.

August 27, 2002
Strech or not, diet sodas in some people triggers snacking. What goes better with a soda than something salt and fried like chips, fries, etc.
   — ERICK B.

August 27, 2002
Sodas are okay, but what I have found is that they do not taste as good as they did prior to the surgery. I do not like the bubbles and have decided to limit my intake since they serve no nutrional value. I choose 100% fruit juices instead.
   — CMiller17

August 27, 2002
My doctor says no also. I've been able to drink them since about 3 months post-op. I always drink decaf diet coke so it will count towards my fluid intake and I haven't gained any of the weight I've lost.
   — Patty H.

August 27, 2002
I still like soda and drink it about once a week, it takes me longer and I make sure I burp to get out the bubbles, sometimes it tastes really good and I'll drink a whole can then other times it doesn't taste so good I feel really bloated and gassed up...with no place to go LOL. I have drank a whole can of regular coke with no dumping but have decided not to try it again because as a recovering regular soda addict(2 to 3 2 liters day) I know this played a major part in my weight problem. I drink diet, caffeine free sodas only.
   — Angie B.

August 27, 2002
I have to agree with Kevin. I drink a lot of diet soda. Several every day. My doctor does not believe that the pouch stretches that easy. He says the stretching would be very painful. To explain a little... I do not drink soda from a can or bottle ( only because the carbonation IS painful). I like it best from a fountain and with lots of ice (just because it takes me awhile to drink it and I want the ice to last longer). I have no problems. My doctor also believes in living a normal life. I have no "bad" foods. Labeling foods and depriving myself are what led to my MO. I eat what I want. I, too, am a success story. Even enjoying my diet soda... Shelley
   — Shelley.

August 27, 2002
Hi, I have not had the surgery yet (waiting for insurance to change) but I have gone to a couple of different seminars and the answer was the same from bother surgeon's, soda's are a no no. They say it will stretch out your pouch. They did say if you want to let *diet* soda go flat, then it is okay. I would ask your doctor what he/she recommonds, because when it all comes down to it, they will have the best answer for your particular surgery/pouch. :)
   — Tammy O.

August 28, 2002
I've drank diet pop from almost the beginning. (Maybe two weeks out). I did find the carbonation VERY painful at the beginning so I would put Splenda in and shake/stir it up good. It took most of the bubbles out. After around 6 months (pouch healed) it was'nt necesary.
   — Danmark

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