I've been told by several women that their breasts are the first to go

I've been told by several women that their breasts are the "first to go" and that they have a tendancy to sag. Does anyone know of any sites I can visit to get information on the surgery itself? Thanks    — Kimberly D. (posted on October 3, 2001)

October 3, 2001
I think everyone's body is different. I had a breast reduction when I weighed 205lbs. I went from a DD to a C...even after the reduction- I was 200lbs.- they'd removed FIVE POUNDS OF BOOB- they were never "perky"... just same old boobs, just smaller. Over the next few years I ballooned up to 277 due to my PCOS. The boobs did not seem to grow much, my width did (from 36" up to 40/42") Now that I have had surgery and have lost about 90lbs. I find that my boobs are somewhat like what I had after my reduction. I am back into a 36C Mind you I have not tried to devote any exercise in that area, but I am still a small C cup, and they are nice enough for me. Then again, my goal has never been to run around braless; and whilst horizontal, they look fine (which is kinda the most important to me ;) ;) and the hubby) anyhooo, of course the breast is entirely made up of FAT, so yes- you will lose in that area- whether that is the "first to go" or not- you'll never know until after the surgery! You could also try and gain muscle/firmness in some of that area by doing concentrated exercises, it all depends on your body's make-up. As for me, I could be flat as a board and never give a second thought about bra size!!! Just removing the five pound brick hanging around my neck has been liberating, almost like removing the 90lb with WLS has been. I was more concerned about giving up food! ;)
   — Karen R.

October 3, 2001
My breasts have went from a 44D to a 38c since 6/18, since I've gained and lost hundreds of pounds over the years, not to mention 3 pregnancies, they weren't, shall we say perky, to begin with, My DH last week pulled down my neckline of my shirt, and said "For 45,000 dollars you'd think they would have left some of those", To which I replied "For $6000. you can buy me some new ones!" The shrinkage really doesn't bother me, Can't wait to buy my first wonder bra.
   — Angela S.

October 3, 2001
Hi, my boobs were the first go. I am 12 weeks post op and have lost 8 inches in my chest. To start I was a 38 B. So there wasn't a whole lot there to start with.I have opened an additional savings account for " Build Jenn's chest fund" That's right I am buying "store bought boobs" Good luck
   — Jennifer L.

October 3, 2001
I have lost 55 lbs and my breasts are still a DD. i have went from a 50 to a 44 but the cup size remains the same. i am hoping they eventually will go down.
   — paula B.

October 4, 2001
I'm only 5 weeks post-op and 3 weeks ago I went on my first shopping trip for smaller clothes----new bras! I was swimming in 42Cs, so I took my 10 year old son and went to the mall and came home with 40 & 42 Bs, and a new video game! Also told my hubby that we are starting to look for a plastic surgeon, and I'm definately getting implants---forget about getting me a fur coat when I hit my goal weight, just buy me the breasts! Last week I did get a pair of jeans in a size 24, and am wearing shorts that are size 22s and I haven't worn in 2 years---I guess I can pack all the size 26s away!
   — Sue F.

October 4, 2001
I just recently went shopping for bras after a year and I am still in the same cup size but have went from a tight 44 to a comfortable 36 but the cup size is still D. I did buy the wonder bras and they are very nice and make the "girls" look not too awful bad- but when I am at home and go with out a bra I look flat and the shirts fit very different- I wish there was a valve like on a bike tube so I could pump them up, know what I mean? Best of luck to you...
   — [Anonymous]

October 4, 2001
On the day of my surgery on October 12, 2000 I was a 46H. Today I am a 40F. They are all skin. Mine definitely do sag. Boy do they sag!!! I have to roll them up to get them into the cups. I am hoping to have a breast reduction some day.
   — Helen C.

October 4, 2001
Pre-Op I was a 46DD, now 2yrs 2mths later, I'm a 36DD! I'm pretty saggy but I got my abdominoplasty approved, the lift is next. Everyone kept telling me the "boys" would be the first to go, I guess it just proves everyone is different! Though I have to think that once my stomach is flat I'm going to look great in sweater :o)
   — Carrie G.

October 4, 2001
My experience and observation is that the boobs to "go". They just flatten out and get saggy. Prior to surgery, I was a 48DDD and now I am a 38D. They sag more than I would like....but I never expected a perfect body...just a better one.
   — [Anonymous]

October 4, 2001
My favorite saying when asked about my bra size is to say that I am now a 36 LONG. LOL!! My breasts were saggy BEFORE surgery, so you can imagine what they look like now-major deflated balloons!! I nursed 5 children (including twins). With my second son I used an electric breast pump and this literally destroyed any firmness I had. Since surgery on 1/8/01, I have gone from a 42D to a 36B. My breast tissue is really saggy and there is little there. I have heard that with what I have left to work with, that a doctor would not just do a breast lift, but would have to do an implant. I am just not sure that I want to go this route. My underwire bras make me look just fine in clothing, and this is what I wanted to achieve anyway. I have no "desire" to run around braless or be "perky". Shelley
   — Shelley.

October 5, 2001
I am 5 months out and have lost most of my weight in my butt. That is where I needed to lose it so I am happy with that. I started as a 44D and am now at a 38C. The breasts are starting to sag a little along with my tummy but those were the areas that were stretched by my little angel. As one of my friends says, I would rather live with my saggy tummy and breasts than live without my little girl!
   — ctyst

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