i have an appointment with my new pcp on wednesday

the 7th of august. i'm getting all my previous medical records and stuff together. i'm so nervous that things won't work out.    — Stacy I. (posted on July 30, 2002)

July 30, 2002
Stacy, Honey- If there is anyone who has began their WLS journey and not been nervous, I would be in shock! We all have our ups and downs- it's really like a rollercoaster. There is the pre-approval stage. Getting all of the needed info is nerve racking. Will I have everything they want? What if they want this or that and I have no way of getting it? Then there is the initial consultation which can be awkward to some people. And how can we forget about the waiting and waiting and waiting for insurance approval. (This has been the toughest for me.) Some people are able to get the ball rolling and within a matter or a couple of weeks, they are being wheeled out of surgery. But for the majority of us, it can take months and even years which makes us all a bunch of basketcases before it's over. All I can tell you is to take deep breaths, Sweetie. It may be a bumpy road, but your health and happiness are worth all the trouble. Just remember that no matter the outcome, there are usually ways around those hurdles. We are here for you!!! As for your medical records- some insurance companies require more than others so my advice is to get as much as you can, especially if you have any doctor-supervised diets. That seems to be the one piece of criteria that most people are getting caught without. Not all companies ask for this, just be prepared..GOOD LUCK STACY!
   — karmiausnic

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