Is the skin sag worse for someone who has tons of stretch marks from babies?

This may seem like a vain question, sorry, but....... I am a 'lightweight', (thoughI don't feel like one), I have about 125 to lose, and I am young at 26. I have lots of stretch marks from 2 pregnancy's. How much worse will it look like? Does the skin bounce back some or will I have more sag/flab than the next person who is young and a 'lightweight'. I can handle some sag, that is to be expected. But tons, that's too much. I am not too concerned with the appearence of the stretch marks, but I am curious. Does skin really have a memory? If you are someone who was in this same boat, please, I would love to hear from you. Thanks, ---Annie    — Annie R. (posted on April 16, 2001)

April 16, 2001
Great question Anne. I too have about 120+ pounds to lose and stretch marks after 2 babies. Is there any elasticity in the skin around the abdomen?
   — ellton

April 16, 2001
I can't speak for everyone, but for me, I was also considered a "lightweight" (altho I too disagreed) and I had stretch marks from having had a baby. In addition, most of my bigness was centered around my abdomen area. I went from 274 to 157 in 11 months (passing my goal weight) and my skin has bounced back nicely. I am working hard now on exercising for toning, but altho I feel like I still have a tummy, everyone else assures me that I don't. (However none of them have seen me naked, haha.) I think you will lose a lot and then have to work for more, but it's not as bad as you're thinking.
   — Beth B.

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