I've heard of people going back to light activity type work in 2-3 weeks???????

   — Beth L. (posted on May 4, 1999)

May 4, 1999
I had my surgery done in April,14 and in 2 exactly weeks I went back to my work,of course someone was driving me, because I am still not allow to drive, and I am using a special pos-operative band or strip that makes feel secure. My work is not a heavy one, I am a phisician and do a kind of test called Electromyography but I have to seat and stand up many times and inclinate myself to reach some parts of my patient body, so is not a totally sedentary work, but in 2 weeks I could do my work with litlle pain. Now I have 3 weeks pos-operatory and I feel pretty well, my surgeon released me to walk 30 minutes a day, using the band(I use it 24 hours a day)and more poored foods. I have lost 10 kgs(22 lbs) and my hapiness cannot be described. GOOD LUCK Melany Torres-BRAZIL
   — Melany T.

May 4, 1999
I worked in a office and was able to return to work 2wks postop. There were restrictions on lifting but was not a problem
   — penny S.

May 4, 1999
I had an open RNY on 1/25/99 and went back to work full-time on 2/15/99 (three weeks). While I do have a desk job (assistant to the senior partner at a consulting firm), I was back to my usual schedule working 12+ hour days. I was really tired (like walk in the door, strip in the living room and fall into bed tired) by the time I got home and I don't recommend that anyone work 12+ hour days 3 weeks post-op (or ever for that matter). I know that it's totally individual, but it would have been perfect if I had only done 8 hour days my first week back. By four weeks post-op I was back up to speed at work and just a little more tired than usual (i.e., I was in bed at 10:30 or 11 instead of my usual 1 am) when I got home at night. Oh yeah, this may make a difference so I should mention that I'm 30 years old. Good luck!
   — Zoe S.

May 4, 1999
I was back to work as a secretary within 10 days of having surgery. I had to be careful with filing at first, which required a lot of bending and moving around. My company was very understanding and allowed me to stay at my desk for most of the I had no problems going back that early.
   — Diane N.

May 4, 1999
Hi, I had my open RNY and went back to work 3 weeks later. I was very tired on my first day back, and all I do is sit at a desk. It got better and by the 2nd week back (4th week out) I was pretty much back to my usual self again. Good luck to you, Cathy
   — Cathy K.

May 5, 1999
I went back to my job 3 weeks after surgey (cutting hair) and it was too soon. I ended up pulling a muscle trying to move my barber chair with a 300+ person in it. (how ironic?) I say 6 weeks off no matter what you do.......Jan
   — JAN C.

May 5, 1999
I work as a customer care representative answering phones most of the day. I could have gone back at 3 weeks. I probably would have been more exhausted at the end of the day than I was going back at 4 weeks. I chose to wait the extra week because of an infection in my incision.
   — dboat

May 5, 1999
Our surgeon lets 'em go back at 2 weeks, IF they drive a desk. I was so very sick BEFORE surgery that I could barely work. But went back part time at 2 weeks. I just poked along, worked at the computer, did a little filing, answered phones. As long as you use common sense, no lifting or wild movement, AND your doctor says so, there's not enough real PAIN to keep you out. More like weakness than pain.
   — vitalady

May 6, 1999
Hi Beth - I'm a transcriptionist, so I just sit and type all day. I went back to work part time after two weeks and full time after three without any problems. Good luck to you. Beth
   — Beth B.

May 7, 1999
I had an open RNY and stayed in the hospital for five days, spent two weeks at my sister's apt being pampered and then went back to work on about 90% time (I came in a little late and left a little early). I have a desk job and do desktop layout. Made me tired the first week or so but then I kept getting stronger and stronger (and thinner and thinner). A lot of patients in my support group took about 3 weeks, some as much as six (they had a complication or two). You'll be great. Good luck Susan
   — Susan C.

May 12, 1999
I was back to full time day care in 10 days and felt great. I had VBG.
   — Donna D.

May 12, 1999
I had RNY (laparoscopic) and returned to work in 4 weeks. Could have returned in 3 weeks without a problem.
   — Diane N.

May 13, 1999
I returned to my job in 2 weeks after the surgery, with a special abdominal band that I am still using(30 days of pos-operatory). I am a doctor and I perfom some neurodiagnostics tests, so I have to stand up and seat down many times, but very carefully and slowly I had no problems.
   — Melany T.

May 13, 1999
I returned to my job in 2 weeks after the surgery, with a special abdominal band that I am still using(30 days of pos-operatory). I am a doctor and I perfom some neurodiagnostics tests, so I have to stand up and seat down many times, but very carefully and slowly I had no problems.
   — Melany T.

July 25, 1999
I had my surgery on March 22nd of this year (1999), and was back to work on March 30th. I got out of the hospital on Saturday, and back to work on Tuesday. I do sit at a desk, so the only discomfort I had was having that silly tube taped over to the side of my stomach for 2 weeks at work. Other than that, I felt great! Good luck to you!
   — Lori D.

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