Would appreciate information about time release medication vs. regular release (and

liquid medications as well). i.e., Paxil time release has less effect on weight gain (but what good is that if it's not wrorking?) I'm 4 1/2 months post-op, a lightweight, only down about 45-50 pounds (SLOW). Thanks. Elizabeth    — Lucky O. (posted on September 7, 2003)

September 7, 2003
It's my understanding that time released medications are useless to gastric bypass patients. I had to switch all my medications to regular release before surgery. As far as slow weightloss that seems good for a lightweight. Don't compare yourself to others in losing weight -- get your protein, supplements, water, and exercise in and you will be fine.
   — Starrlina

September 7, 2003
Ditto what the first poster said. At 45-50 lbs you are likely 1/2 way to your goal. Don't sweat it, it will all come off in due time. Definitely get on some other meds that will work for you. Wellbutrin is also known for having appetite supressing properties. Maybe you could switch to that one for depression or take them both as Wellbutrin can be used in conjunction with many other meds.
   — zoedogcbr

September 7, 2003
I went from Welbutrin SR (time release) to Welbutrin. My depression was already bad and getting worse. So I had to stop time release. It was the same with potassium. I was having to have potassium by IV dispite the fact I was taking potassium pills. Come to find out, they were time release. So now I'm taking potassium that is NOT time release. Perhaps a few years down the road I can take time release again. I don't know. They only time release meds that seem to still work is an anti biotic that you take for five days and it works for ten. It starts with Z... and I can't remember the name. But no other time release work for me anyway.
   — Danmark

September 7, 2003
After going through quite a number of meds, I am on Effexor time release and it works great for me. Prozac helped me gain lots of weight; others didn't help at all. I've been on this for about 3 years now.
   — Betty Todd

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