Has anyone used Cenestin for HRT?

I am 17 mos. post op and just switched to Cenestin for HRT, had hysterectomy 5 years ago. I was taking Premarin but due to increase in headaches my doc switched me to Estratest at 4 mos. post op. I've had all the menopausal symptoms - hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, crying, headaches, hair loss plus I had some side effects from the testosterone (having to shave my legs daily!)so my doc put me on a NEW PLANT-BASED estrogen hrt called Cenestin. She said it is absorbed in the intestines not the stomach therefore I would absorb more. (not in the first 2 feet of intestines) Question: has anyone pre OR post op tried Cenestin? has anyone tried any of the over-the-counter soy isoflavone supplements (Revival brand comes to mind) that are supposed to help with menopause symptoms. I currently take in at least 30g of soy isoflavone protein daily. Thanks! kate open rny 6-14-01 pre op: 268lbs goal: 135lbs current: 126lbs    — jkb (posted on November 12, 2002)

November 12, 2002
Hi Kate, Yes, I took Cenestin as a pre-op and I loved it. No side effects and made me feel "normal". My only problem was that they couldn't find a progestin for me to take along with it. They all made me sick. So anyway, as a post-op, I take the herb black cohosh and 40 mg. of soy isoflavones per day and all of my menopause symptoms have left. Halleujah! :) Good luck to you.
   — joeandteri

November 12, 2002
Hello, I am still pre-op but I had my hysterectomy in 1998. At first I tried the patch, I hated it. It got dirty by the end of the week, eek. Then he put me on the Estratest... started getting a mustache.. Didn't even realize it till my boyfriend pointed it out. I complained about one year ago, and he put me on something "more femine" as he put it. I like it. After having the mustache waxed two or three times, it seems to have faded almost completely away. I haven't had the need to rip it off in over 8 months... LOL. I will be curious about the effects after surgery....
   — Angela G.

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