Anyone ever been prescribed Prednisolone?

I have so much energy after my surgery (almost 8 months post-op) and I work in the yard a lot! I came in contact with poison ivy and the doctor gave me prednisolone for the blisters (I had been taking Benedryl for several days with no luck) and when I got home I read the insert and it had lots of cautions about "having dark stools, coffee ground-like bowel movements, etc." All these sounded like problems associated with your stomach. Has anyone taken these pills. It starts out with 7 pills the first day and they give you one less until the last day. It's supposed to make you well from the skin rash. Thanks!!    — Susan B. (posted on July 2, 2002)

July 1, 2002
I went thru the same this this past March. Was working in the yard and got a terrible case of poison ivy all over both legs. Thank goodness I had gloves on my hands. I had to go thru 2 perscriptions of prednizone (steriod) and 2 perscription tubes of cream. I also kept spray benedryl and cream in my butt back. Wouldn't you know it, I was going away over spring break. The prednizone helped but because it is a steriod my face got puffy. I was disappointed when we got some family vacation pictures done and I have a fat face. I was thrilled to have lost 2 of the 3 chins I had after my surgery. Oh well, within the week of stopping the predizone my face was back to "normal". I also took aveeno baths to help the itching. I didn't have any problems with it regarding my surgery. As long as the doctor who prescribed it to you is aware of your surgery I'm sure they wouldn't give you something that would hurt you. You could always call the office and get re-assured. Good Luck. PS - I gave the poison ivy part of the yard to my husband.
   — Betty M.

July 1, 2002
I have taken prednisone several times before, but most recently to help the pain in my heel from plantar fasciitis. It did help, but it has some nasty side effects. . . puffy face and increased appetite are the worst ones for me. However, I don't know if it was because my heel felt so much better, or if it was the prednisone, but the week I was on it I had more energy than I have had in months! Good luck. Ginger
   — Ginger N.

July 2, 2002
I have allergies to general anesthesia and penisilin. Prednisone is the "only thing" that helps! Although I've never had it post op (at least I don't think so). They only thing with Prednisone is it makes me a real jack ass. In other works it gives me the nastiest, meanest disposition one can imagine. I hate being that way to. Perhaps it does'nt do that to women. But it is a great drug for allergic reactions. I think your doctor made a wise choice in prescribing it for you. ;)
   — Danmark

July 2, 2002
It can cause stomach ulcers and bleeding. My advice would be to check with your surgeon. I took it preop for asthma and my doc said I would not be able to take it postop. At the very least don't take it on an empty stomach. Maybe a prescription strength cortisone ointment would be better.
   — Kathleen C.

July 2, 2002
I have had to take it 4 times since WLS 14 months ago when I have a Lupus flare. It does tend to make me feel mean and munchy but oh it helps with the symptoms. I would take it with food to help buffer your stomach. If you are very concerned, you could let the rash resolve on its own, but I think taking it would not be an unreasonable risk.
   — Bobbi G.

July 3, 2002
Well, I am a self-described prednisone expert. I've been on prednisone continuously for the past 10 years or so for severe asthma. There is nothing else that seems to work on controlling my asthma, and believe me, we've tried EVERYTHING else. Anyway, prednisone can be a very NASTY drug, but it is also a lifesaver. It is good that you read the package insert. With prednisone, the most important thing is that you taper off the medication AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. When you take is as you describe, I suspect you may have a few of the side effects mentioned here, particularly the "fat face" it really does puff up your face, increase your appetite and make you gain weight. If you take it only for 7-10 days though, any of those side effects will usually disappear almost immediately. It probably is a very good choice for things like poison ivy, especially if Benadryl didn't work. As far as stomach problems, long term it does cause ulcers, but if you take it with food, it usually won't upset anything. I am 18 months post op, and I've taken the prednisone all along. It has affected my weight loss slightly, I've only been able to lose about 102 pounds, but it keeps me breathing... Well, sorry to be long winded, but my advice would be to take the prednisone, be very observant of any side effects and try to stop taking it within 10 days. Good luck, Maria [email protected]
   — Maria H.

July 3, 2002
Thank you everyone for answering this question! I've been on this now for my 2nd day and the itching has gone and the poinson ivy bumps no longer are swollen! Whoopee!! When I heard "swollen face" I dug around to find an RX I had for prior to surgery that was a diuretic! I am hoping I can make it through tomorrow's festivities for the 4th without the puffiness. After that, I don't care!! :) I only have a 7 day packet of the Prednisolone, so I don't think I will have to take it much longer. Your answers have made me feel so wonderful! Thank you ALL for replying!!
   — Susan B.

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