How much swelling is too much after a TT

I had a full abdominoplasty on May 2nd. No problems or complications. My drains were removed 12 days later when the drainage was less than 30 ccs per day. My left side has been a lot more swollen than my right since surgery and my PS assured me that was OK. Basically, I look half pregnant. They gave me a list of signs that might mean that I could possibly need to be aspirated and I'm not having any of those. I expected swelling and I'm not suprised by it, by I am suprised with the difference on each side. Right now, the only thing I can wear is the size small sweats I was wearing pre-op. Did I mention it has been in the low to mid 90's here in Central California? LOL! I've also noticed that the skin on my left hip feels much tighter, I'm sure due to the swelling. Has anyone else had this happen? I know my PS told me it could take up to 3 months for the swelling to go down, but this just looks freaky. I also think my family is sick of seeing me running around in nightshirts and a robe. LOL! If you had this, can you tell me how long until things evened out?    — Tina P. (posted on May 21, 2003)

May 21, 2003
I had mine done 4/3. I had very little swelling. I have one 'spot' that is like a knot. I had two drains; one was taken out 2 weeks; the second at 4 weeks.. with days I noticed 'swelling' I called my surgeons office... they said to call back the next day if it hadnt gone down.. they didnt seem too concerned; well TO ME it didnt go down. so I went in the next day; turns out I had a blood pocket; which they took out 80cc - to the regular person the 'swelling' was hardly there; but turn out there was blood (and my last drain had less than 15 cc when he took it out; I have been drained every day this week (with a needle) and its not going down. Will have surgey next week to have the drain put in. IF you have become more swollen (even a bit) since the drain came out, I would go back and have them 'physically' look at you to be sure you arent retaining blood. I guess for the other part, everyone must be differnt. I cant say I have any swelling at all now - except for that little knot and its sloooooooowly going down; its just between my legs so not too noticeable. Are you wearing yoour binder?
   — star .

May 21, 2003
I can relate!! I had a T/T, 2 large hernia repairs, and a open gall bladder removal at the same time. I had this done Feb. 25 of this year, and early on I thought my T/T was uneven! I was cut 3/4 way around, and was swollen on both sides, but there was a diff. on each side, specially when I wore spandex pants, which for the first 2 months is all I could wear comfortably. I will be 3 months out soon, and I am even now, so don't fret yet! ...
   — Marie A.

May 21, 2003
It sounds like you may have a seroma. Is your doctor pushing on your stomach looking for "little waves" of fluid?? If there are waves of fluid in your stomach, that's a seroma and it needs to be drained. I had 3. I had very little swelling though.
   — Patty H.

May 23, 2003
You sound exactly like me right now!!! I had full abdominoplasty on April 29th. One hip is swollen and one is tight, and I have a bulge on one side of my tummy. I went to the doctors again last week to see if it needed aspirated and it is just fluid that will be absorbed by my body in a couple of more weeks. Aspirating can actually increase your chance for infection. Other that that I love it it looks great. It was a little frustrating to go into surgery a size 4 and come out a size 8. I have been living in workout clothes.
   — Linda A.

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