Is it realistic to think I can return to work 2 weeks after Lap RNY?

I can only afford (financially and workload related) to take off 2 weeks. Is this realistic? I have always done well with pain management and after surgery recuperation. I feel pretty confident with myself with recuperation. But I would like to hear how others did with it as well. Thanks in advance!!    — lesleeloo (posted on May 7, 2003)

May 7, 2003
I think you'll be OK. I went back at 11 days post-op. You'll be tired, but you can do it.
   — mom2jtx3

May 7, 2003
Hello! I went back to work after two weeks (one week off for surgery/hospital stay and then another week to recuperate at home). I had open RNY on Jan. 13, 2003. By the end of the second week I was going crazy anyway. I began driving myself places towards the end of the second week because I was tired of being at home. It did good to go out anyway. Walking really helps a lot. To answer your question, two weeks is good. It all depends on the person though and if there are complications with the procedure. I hope and pray that all goes well with your journey. Good luck to you. Daphine (open RNY Jan. 13, 2003, down 52 pounds - shirt size 24 down to XL and pant size 24/26 down to 16).
   — Daphine C.

May 7, 2003
I had my Lap RNY on 02/12/03 and went back to work on 02/24/03. I had moments of being kind of tired but for the most part I have felt great!! :)
   — Peggy B.

May 7, 2003
Leslie, I felt strong enough that I could have returned to work 5 days after my lap rny, but didn't have a job to return to....What sort of job do you have??? Perhaps one week of 1/2 days?? At least you would have some money coming in... You will be tired, drink water, eat protein, and get up and walk often. 4/9/03 lap rny 311/279/-32
   — Peg L

May 7, 2003
I had surgery on 04-09-03 and started working part-time from home 2 days later. Went back to my office job a week later. Depends on your job. If it's an office environment and flexible (i.e., you can get up and walk around every so often, get some fresh air maybe) you should be ok after a week....Good luck!!
   — Amy A.

May 7, 2003
Depends on what you do, how well you do afterwards etc. I took 3 weeks but could've gone back in 2. But I had the time so I took it. But I work from home basically sitting at a computer.
   — Kimberly L.

May 7, 2003
Leslie, I had my lap rny on a Tuesday and I went back to work on Thursday of the next week. I was a little tired, but did okay. Don't push yourself, but two weeks should be enough time. Best of luck!
   — Alicia K.

May 7, 2003
I had my surgery April 24th, less than 2 weeks ago, and I have been back at work since Monday 5/5. Just take care of yourself and follow your aftercare instructions (life not lifting over 10 lbs. Like the other posters said I was a little tired the 1st & second day, but it gets better. Good Luck
   — Tabitha M.

May 7, 2003
I had an Open RNY and I would out of work for 2 weeks total (including the time in the hospital). You bounce back pretty good. You just have to be careful you don't lift anything too heavy, etc.
   — Peggy D.

May 7, 2003
I was back to work exactly 7 days after my lap rny on 3/12/03 - I took it real slow and I have a desk job so it helped. I had no choice could not get any more time off.
   — Becky F.

May 7, 2003
I had the surgery open and went back to work after 2.5 weeks. I have a desk job, so I had no problem.
   — Cheryl D.

May 7, 2003
I went back to work half-days one week after lap-RnY. I felt awful though. I sat at my desk with a heating pad on my back and pillow on my stomach for 2 weeks.
   — Wanda R.

May 7, 2003
Hi! I went back to work on the night shift and most of those hours were 12 hour nights as a RN on an acute care for the elderly floor. 10 patients to me and an aide. I was tired but, I took my breaks and I did it no regrets and it can be done. Oh yea! I went back after 9 days of surgery. Somebody had to help my husband afford to put curtains on the boat house! LOL :-0
   — train

May 7, 2003
Hello, my mom and I had the surgery a day apart. My mom went to work a week after surgery. I stayed on the sofa for 2 more weeks after she had gone back to work. But I guess it just depends on the person.
   — DARLA M.

May 7, 2003
For me it would have been no problem at all and I have an active job (teacher).
   — jen41766

May 7, 2003
I felt really lousy for about 4 weeks. I went back to school after 2 weeks but took some days off and left early a few times in the first six weeks. I think it very much depends on the person.
   — susanje

May 8, 2003
Thanks everyone who replied. I have a desk job, but do walk to different departments occassionally. I work for the school system in the central office, so its a 12 month job. But the end of June will be a slow time for us since the schools won't be in session. And its possible I can get my work done in half the time. So I will rest when I need to and walk when I need to. I feel pretty confident I can return in 2 weeks. I had an open hysterectomy last summer and after a week I was going stir crazy. But I did take the whole 6 weeks off. But I do feel that I will do fine. Thanks everyone!! I can't wait to be a "loser"
   — lesleeloo

May 8, 2003
You sound like me. I was able to work from home after my open hysterectomy after just a week. Ten days later I returned to the office. I was out for 8 days after Lap RNY. I could have returned on the 5th day I felt so good, but then I had a problem with soft food and decided to give myself some time to adjust. You'll do great!!
   — Diane S.

May 8, 2003
Leslie, I think you should be able to handle it - you'll just have to fight some post-op fatigue. I had open and couldn've come back after 2 weeks, but chose to wait one more week - and my main complaint was my incision, which you'll avoid with LAP. If you are able to, try to go to bed earlier, and hit the protein as soon as you get out of bed in the morning. You may also be facing the 2-3 week blues. It seems like weeks 2 and 3 are truly the worst, depression wise - missing food, regretting the surgery, etc. Just remember this too shall pass. Good luck! Krista Open RNY 3-20-03 -46pounds.
   — vittycat

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