Unhappy with Body Image..

Why was it when I was 240lbs and fat all over I didn't obsess over my body like I do now. I mean, I hated being fat and how I looked, but now it's all I think about. I can't stand looking in the mirror and seeing all that hanging skin around my stomach, and my boobs look like flat torpedos. I am having a TT and Breast lift in a few weeks, but I'm already thinking of having other things done, like arms, thighs and neck. I just hate that I'm so obsessed about my body now, maybe that's ok though, I never cared before how it looked. Just a thought, does anyone else feel this way. Thanks Gail    — Gail M. (posted on September 26, 2002)

September 26, 2002
Yes Gail, I too obcess over my body image much more now than before. I've already had a tummy tuck, but I want breast lift and thigh lift. Praying that I can have it done. I wouldn't mind a butt lift!! :-) Anyway, I do know how you feel.
   — Shelley P.

September 26, 2002
I already experience this also at 3 months out. I think it is partly due to the fact that I never thought I'd have a chance to look healthy again instead of just fat. I didn't not care before but now other people notice too which does not help the issue. I just try to keep in mind that I am not perfect and I shouldn't try to be. To be just me which means I have the battle scars of pregnancy and weight loss and the time I bumped my head on the wall the time I burned my self at work. All of these things are my story, a roadmap of a lifetime all upon my physical being. They may not be beautiful but they are unique to just me. Go for the surgery but know that they can only fix the outside not how you feel on the inside which is really about accepting the new you. Best of luck on your new journey!
   — Adriane T.

September 26, 2002
Gail, don't "hate" yourself for wanting to look better. You deserve to; we all do. Whether we're willing to admit it or not every single person who has ever dieted or had this surgery has pictured themself differently. I never thought I'd ever want plastic surgery. I knew I was fat all over and hated it but couldn't envision it as ever changing. Now at 53 and back to my college weight I find myself wanting EVERYTHING lifted!;)
   — LLinderman

September 26, 2002
Gail I'm heavier than you started out but since I made a change in my appearance with having a tummy tuck I've also become much more obsessed with my appearance & body. If I had the money to continue with multiple surgeries, like breast lifts, thigh lifts, arm lifts I'd go on and do them all. It seems once I fixed one part of me I'm now wanting it all. I don't think it has to do with your sudden weight loss. From what I've heard of others. People often get "addicted" to plastic surgery. Not only do they progress from one thing to another but they then go back and redo surgeries to keep up with the ideal they establish for themselves. But for us, I think its just a matter of feeling we now have the chance at normal, wonderful appearances and after waiting so long we just plain and simply WANT IT. By the way, good luck on your surgeries.
   — Shelly S.

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