Vitamins: What is a good tasting wafer and liquid brand and where can I get?

Vitamins are expensive: And I would like help finding out what other WLS post-ops like. I don't want to waste money on bad tasting vitamins that I won't use,wafer or liquid,I've already tried some and there has to be something better out there.    — Keith R. (posted on March 6, 2002)

March 6, 2002
There is an exceptionally great vitamin available called "Isotonix" vitamins. These high quality vitamins are sold in powder form. When mixed with water they become "Isotonic" which means they are ready for immediate absorption. When drank on an empty stomach the body will absorb about 95% of the nutrient within 5-10 minutes. By profession I am a registered nurse and have been looking for quality vitamins for years. Most vitamins on the market are in tablet form which take anywhere from 40 minutes to 4 hours for the stomach to break them down so they can be absorbed in the small intestines. The problem with that is most supplements are passed through the body and very little to no absorption takes place. The stomach works very hard trying to convert these tablet vitamins into an isotonic state. With "isotonix" vitamins, they are already in that state and ready for immediate absorption!! I was very excited 5 years ago when I was introduced to this line of vitamins. They have been on the market for about 8 years. In my opinion they are by far the most superior vitamins available today and they taste great too. I hope this helps. For more info send emails to: [email protected]
   — Patti S.

March 6, 2002
I was previously asking for a small vitamin tablet because I was having a hard time with strictures. Someone on this site recommended Vitasmart at Kmart. I tried them and they ARE small. I have recommended them to my WLS friends and they all love them too. They are inexpensive, about $2 for 100. My nutritionist gave the thumbs up. They have a hot pink top and in a clear dark blue bottle so you can see the pill before you buy them. They say Multivitamins plus iron on the label. I'm still having a hard time as far as the calcium. Citrical is way too big, even cut into 4 pieces. The liquitabs that dissolve into a carbonated concoction burns my stomach, and the wafers I have tried taste yuk. So I am still on my quest for a good citrate.
   — Cheri M.

April 26, 2002
I use sublingual spray vitamins, have for several years now, and they're great. You can get them online at and never have to swallow another pill. They are sort of expensive, I guess, when compared with discount pills, but you will never have to belch them up again!
   — Charlene B.

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