Is WLS the 'cure' for the couch potato?

I've just received notification of my surgery date (3/11 - Lap DS) and so my thoughts are turning towards life post-op. I've long been a couch potato and usually watch excercise, and life, from there. I've read posts here and heard comments in a support group meeting about increase of energy post-op. But I wonder if it's a result of the surgery or if some people were actually active types all along but were just 'weighed down'. Personally, I find most excercise to be boring but I've been convinced how important it is so I'll be looking for interesting ways to be active. I'd be interested in your thoughts, especially from post-op men. By the way, I do understand that it's tool, not a cure.)    — Phil M. (posted on January 3, 2002)

January 3, 2002
As you lose weight and your co-morbidities disappear, you'll notice a surge in your energey levels. When you weigh less, walking, housekeeping, exersizing, sex....everything beccomes easier and takes less effort. But, your basic personality doesn't change! If you don't like exersizing won't like after your surgery and you'll have to push yourself to do it.
   — [Anonymous]

January 3, 2002
What an interesting question... I am married to an AD/HD guy with the energizer bunny psyche, so it is hard to figure where I am compared to most people, but I realize I think I am normal. Even though I feel lazy. There are lots of skinny lazy people, and active fat people. I have always been a low key person, and I was just waiting for tons of energy after WLS. Now, 9 months out, I am still waiting. I think I am coming to terms with the fact that I am just _not_ the energizer bunny, at any weight! I am pretty active on weekends, and do excercize, but in the evening I would rather play games, watch TV and relax rather than go for a walk, scrub my baseboards or go to the mall. I was low-energy as a kid, too. I think it is just me. I guess you won;t know till you get there. I was pretty active and not mobility impaired before surgery, so I didn't have to get to a point before I could move around again.
   — M. A. B.

January 3, 2002
I have always been the 'king' of the remote in my house. My husband could care less about it. Always said that I watched too much TV. I am 8 wks. post-op and find myself watching less tele than I used to. I did get more energy than I had before. I walk for about 30 min. twice a day now, did nothing before, didn't want to. I just feel so good now. Housework is sooo much easier that it isn't as much as a chore as it was to me before. Going to the mall doesn't wear me out, and I find that I'm not looking for the closest parking space like I used to do. I used to ride around thinking I would get that close one so I wouldn't have to walk. Now I am looking for places to walk. My kids school is in the neighborhood and I started walking there 3x a day ( one in half-day K). Unless its too cold...brrrr. Anyway, I think the energy is from feeling better from taking off weight. I have lost 40lbs. and feel like it has been a huge weight lifted already. Congrats on your date, you're gonna love your new life.
   — Cheri M.

January 3, 2002
I was always fairly physically active even at 313 pounds. Now at 204 I can do a LOT more, but still hate organized exercise! Now walking is OK when the weather is nice, but not in the winter, I am froze even when indoors. I get exercise is by doing stuff around the house, parking far away from wherever I am going, making lots of trips up and down steps when just one would do.
   — bob-haller

January 3, 2002
I don't think this surgery is a "cure" for the couch potatoe, but I think as the weight comes off and you find you have more energy you are more likely to get up and get moving. WLS is only a "tool" for you to use in helping you take the weight off... but you yourself have to commit to eating healthier, exercising more and maintaining a healthier lifestyle. You might have a smaller pouch, but you can still eat all the wrong things... you will definately have more energy, but you can still sit on the couch and watch the exercise programs as well as the world go by. I myself have always hated exercising (heck, if I liked it I probably wouldn't have gained all the weight to begin with!!!) but I have committed myself to this new life and literally MAKE myself get up and get exercising! I have come too far and gone through too much to fail now... Try and get a new mindset that after you have the surgery, life as you know it know will need to change and a new healthier lifestyle will need to be adopted. Good luck in your adventure!!!
   — Kellie Jo B.

January 3, 2002
Let me tell you I am 10 months out down 170lbs 429-259 I joined a gym and went a few times, you definitly need to stay motivated to get to the gym all the time, but as far as a couch potato forget it, I can honestly say other than sports (sports nut) I havent watched any TV in 8-9 months, trust me it will just happen (I would of never thought)you will find yourself doing things you never thought of being so heavy!!! Best of Luck
   — sonnybone

January 3, 2002
I am still pre op ( surgery date 1/9) but I have been reading this Q&A page religiously for 8 months. I don't think the surgery is a cure for being a couch potato but I think a lot of the energy will come from a combination of losing weight and feeling better PLUS we will be/are taking all kinds of vitamin supps that will help us feel better and more energetic also. I, myself, have never been a vitamin taker.....will take some getting used to,but my hubby takes vitamins and notices a big difference in energy level if he forgets to take them for a few days. Just remember , getting off the couch and taking a walk will help with the weightloss.
   — Kim B.

January 3, 2002
Not a guy, but I was thinking of the same thing. Walking bores me since I've a brain that has to be engaged. So.. I was thinking, window shopping would be a great way to get excerise, engage the brain and scope out future clothes/ items / CD's etc that you want. Also cruising around for op shops as the weight comes off, then you could buy cheap clothes until you're in the size you want. Other than that, I brought a boxing stand [getting the bag for my birthday next month] as boxing engages me more than walking. Hope it helps. Box.
   — blank first name B.

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