How long do you stay on clear liquids?

I know that each Surgeon is different. I had Open RNY 12/5 and my surgeons wants me on clear liquids until 12/19. I am not getting any protein and feel so weak and have a rotten headache. I know it is from lack of protein, because my Blood sugar is running between 50-70. My Surgeons tells me to call my PCP and my PCP tells me to call my surgeon, any advice?    — Kathy P. (posted on December 12, 2001)

December 12, 2001
Hi, I am 3 weeks out and it is very hard to get in all your protein at first. I hate the protein powders. I have been drinking non fat and skim milk with carnation instant breakfast. I make my own puddings with skim milk. there is a lot of protein in milk.
   — Bev L.

December 12, 2001
Early on hydration is WAY more important than protein. Lets face facts the MOs are overnourished to begin with. My surgeon calls for 10 days of clear liquids. JELLO qualfies as a clear liquid and also has protein in it. Although I cant stomach it. The clear liquid stage is to allow your stomach and intestines to heal. But dont risk ending up back in the hospital for a bite of food. Now many of us cheat a bit, I ate sugar free fudgesicles and my surgeon said he could live with that. Ate a bit of strained spaghetti sauce in a moment of weakness. Strained soup like chicken noodle tastes good and is a approved clear liquid. Again AT THIS POINT, hydration is VERY important, protein isnt critical.
   — bob-haller

December 12, 2001
My question to you is... WHY are you testing your blood sugars? Are you a diabetic? If you are, your numbers are WAY too low. If youre on meds, talk to your doctor RIGHT AWAY and have your meds adjusted. I dont mean to shout, but, I am diabetic and know how dangerous those lows can be for us!! Please talk to your doctor. To answer your question... I was on clear liquids for almost two weeks, then full liquids. Full liquids meant cream soups, yogurt, puddings, etc., for a couple more weeks. It was a lot better than clears, but, still very boring. After full liquids comes pureed, not too thrilling either. I advanced myself to soft solids on my own. I couldnt stand the soft pureed stuff anymore! LOL Let me know how youre doing, please. Email me anytime! Good luck and God bless!
   — Kerry P.

December 12, 2001
I was on clear liquids for only one day (the day following my surgery) then was immediately drinking sf Carnation Instant Breakfast with skim milk three to four times a day for two weeks. For the first two to three weeks post op, when the body is converting burning glucose to burning fat, a lot of times your body will try to burn muscle instead (which is not good.) It sounds like your surgeon is giving you the run-around. :(
   — [Anonymous]

December 12, 2001
We're on clear, sugar free, for 4 weeks. BUT we start protein supps (no milk, no sugar) on Day 7. Surgery (of any kind) REALLY takes the protein & iron out of your body and sends it all to the scene of the accident. They are SO necessary for healing to occur and energy to return. The difference between day 7 and day 9 for our people is just astonishing when they are re-nourishing what surgery has so rapidly depleted. You might want to check into proteins that blend easily with water to get you nourished and hold you at a steady level. True protein supps (not CIB or milk) contain very little sugar (less than 4g per 30g of protein), and so won't trigger any reaction on their own.
   — vitalady

December 12, 2001
I was on clear liquids only one day, then on day 3 before we leave the hospital, we have to eat something puree. Everyone does great on this regimen. But you are correct in saying that every doctor is different, and there must be a reason for his instructions. I know that my body shuts down after being on strictly liquids so I feel for you guys that have to follow that plan. I would ask him directly for specifics as to why he only allows clear liquids for so long. Good luck.
   — Cheri M.

December 12, 2001
Sorry to hear you have been somewhat abandoned by your surgeon and caregiver.My opinion is that you are in perilous waters getting your post op instructions off the internet.This site is valuable for general support but you should just raise bloody hell with your doctors for not providing you with the "Owners Manual" to your new body.For me, I have had no problems following the clear/full liquid diet that last around 3 weeks as it gives me the creeps to think of whole food touching or getting caught up on your fresh Internal wounds.Best of luck,greg
   — Greg S.

December 12, 2001
You should also keep in mind (and this is for everyone, not just the person who posted the original question) it's much better for you to get your protein from animal sources (MILK, cheese, meat, etc.) than protein supplements, if you can help it. My surgeon doesn't recommend protein supplements at all. He said for the first couple months when I'm able to eat very little and it's virtually impossible to get 50-60 grams of protein a day from food, then a supplement may be necessary, but after my pouch stretches a little and the swelling goes down, I really need to work on getting the protein naturally and not from a protein shake, drink, powder, etc.
   — Emily W.

December 12, 2001
Call your nutronist for advice if you have one. It appears your diabetic, but the GOOD news is that your falling blood sugars mean the weight loss will likely cure your diabetes. Are you on diabetic meds? If so they will HAVE to be decreased or dropped altogether. Mine changed dramatically after surgery. E mail me privately if you want. Some doctors are so busy these days because of managed care things slip thru the cracks. [email protected]
   — bob-haller

December 13, 2001
Hi, I am the orginial poster. I am not diabetic but I am reactive hypoglomic. My PCP finally called back last night and said to add some ensure to my diet, and that has seemed to level out my sugar. Thank you everyone for your input. I appreciate it.
   — Kathy P.

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