
Im not sure of what it's called, but I heard they can relocate the fat and tissues from your abdomen and place it in your breast. If I were to have anything done to my breast and tummy, that is exactly what I would want to do. I don't want implants.    — Dana R. (posted on August 16, 2003)

August 16, 2003
I have never heard of this except in joking with my little sister. I would love this proceedure excepl I already have enough breast but my rear end is FLAT FLAT FLAT, and would like a little cushon after I loose all the weight! Good Luck.
   — dianekoch

August 16, 2003
Ummm, I think the answer here is build muscle? Why would you wanna put FAT back? It's called your Gluteus Maximus, I believe, and it's the largest muscle in your body. People with great butts are NOT wearing 10 lbs of fat back there!
   — RWH G.

August 16, 2003
I don't want implants, either (too scary), but -- butt? ;p -- I've heard that yes, plastic surgeons have tried "transplanting" fat from one locale to another on a patient, and ... it just migrates elsewhere eventually. Alas, it's not a technique that really works. You're gonna have to decide whether you can live with implants, live with a breast lift that leaves you with a smaller cup than you expected (possibly an A), or live with the status quo. Good luck!
   — Suzy C.

August 16, 2003
Oh, and P.S. to RHW -- IMHO, some lucky devils DO have well-placed fat in their butts ("J. Lo" springs to mind), and yeah, there's muscle to work on there -- ** butt ** -- developing yer butt muscles ain't gonna get rid of lots of excess skin on top of the "butt proper". ;-) And nobody, but nobody, can weight-lift their way to perky breasts after WLS. :-)
   — Suzy C.

August 16, 2003
Ummm...actually, I just saw "A Personal Story" on TLC last Thursday, and there *was* a procedure the plastic surgeon did in a woman's breast reconstruction surgery (she had a double mastectomy after breast cancer) in which the surgeon took a great deal of fat from the woman's stomach and used it in her breasts in lieu of implants. He even explained that during menopause her breasts *may* get larger because the fat was from the belly, which tends to enlarge during that time. I'm sorry i don't know the name of the procedure, but you may find it on the TLC website under the show "A Personal Story." Good luck.
   — sweetmana

August 16, 2003
Yes, I read about that recently --- It's a kind of breast reconstruction, not breast enhancement. It is used after mastectomy. Now, if one has an abdominoplasty, one CANNOT have breast reconstruction using this method (using the abdominal tissue to reconstruct the breast). I had no idea! There are other ways the breast can be reconstructed, however. Hopefully I'll never get breast cancer or require a mastectomy, but if I did I wouldn't be able to use the abodminal tissue to reconstruct my breasts... All the best, Teresa
   — Teresa N.

August 18, 2003
Dana, I know that Dr. Gouin, a French doctor who practices in Mexico now, uses that procedure. Go to his website and see what he's done to completely reconstruct breasts for women who have had a mastectomy, using only the fat from their tummies. It's really impressive. He does a lot of reconstructive work for people with deformities, as well as plastic/cosmetic procedures. I'm going to use him when I'm ready for my work. His website is: Good luck to you!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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