Where can I buy sublingual B12?

Do I need a prescription? I live in Mexico City but I am going to texas for a vacation.    — maureenmosti (posted on June 18, 2003)

June 18, 2003
ANY Healthfood store has it. GNC, etc.
   — HelpMeRhonda !!

June 18, 2003
I get mine at Trader Joes. 1 pack of sublinguals, 1x per week should last you about year.
   — mrsmyranow

June 18, 2003
I buy my B-complex sublingual liquid at our local Walmart.
   — lyndaleigh

June 18, 2003
Vitamin world in the malls or online have a great cherry tasting sublingual b12 that is reasonably priced.

June 18, 2003
We get our B-12 supplements from You can order online and have your supplements delivered to your door.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 18, 2003
   — Amy W.

June 18, 2003
You can buy liquid sublingual B12 at any GNC or also at Walmart or Walgreens pharmacy. Very reasonable.
   — lisachris

June 18, 2003
I get mine at the grocery store
   — doodlebug

June 19, 2003
You can also order it at
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 20, 2003
I get mine at GNC..sunblingual cherry flavored..yummy..oh and it is usually buy a box for 5 bucks and get a box free :) so thats 2 months worth for 5-6 dollars :)
   — [Deactivated Member]

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