what kind of dr. do I see for hernia and tt repair?

I am 10 mos out and have lost 92 pounds (was a light weight) I am at 156# now and am within 25 pounds of my goal. I have developed a hernia next to my navel and wonder when it bothers me enough to not wait any longer, who do I go see in regards to surgery along with a tummy tuck? A plastic surgeon, or someone else?    — Jeanne G. (posted on May 20, 2003)

May 20, 2003
Hernias are usually repaired by a "general surgeon." I doubt a plastic surgeon would do it, so if you are not at risk of an obstruction and not in pain, I'd personally wait until you are ready for plastic surgery, and have both done at the same time, with 2 docs working on you at once. This would save you recovery, an extra dose of anesthesia, and part of your hospital cost would be covered at least. Talk to your PCP about it.
   — bethybb

May 20, 2003
I just went home from the hospital monday and my surgeon told me I had a small hernia but it was too far down, slightly below my belly button, for him to do at the time of the surgery. He said he could easily do my tummy tuck and hernia at the same time a year from now. carol
   — Carol C.

May 24, 2003
Hi Jeanne, first of all congrads on your wonderful weight loss. I had a tt/hernia last June 02, I didn't realize I had a hernia till he got in there, then he called the surgeon next door in surgery and he came in and did the hernia repair, hope this helps,God Bless, Susie
   — lostitall

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