My Surgeon has me getting B-12 every 2 months. Is that enough?

I am very worried because about 6 weeks after my B-12 shot I was very weak and tired. I checked with my surgeon's office and they said that every other month was fine for B-12. What has everyone else been told and should I insist on getting it more often? Thank you. I had my surgery on 4/18/02 and I am down 77 pounds.    — cdiss (posted on August 7, 2002)

August 6, 2002
My doc's post-op protocol requires weekly sub-lingual B-12.
   — phoebe

August 6, 2002
The nutritionist that is associated with my surgeon says that post-ops need 500 mcg daily sublingually *or* 1000 mcg IM monthly. <p> If your surgeon won't comply with this, then talk to your PCP (if you want the monthly shots) or go out and buy the sublingual B-12.
   — John Rushton

August 7, 2002
My surgeon does not routinely give B12 - he checks your levels and prescribes accordingly. He does approve of the sublingual B12 for those who don't want shots though. Talk with your surgeon if you can; not with his nurse.
   — Patty_Butler

August 7, 2002
In most circumstances if you choose the injections, the doctor will require monthly. I was the exception because my B12 has been high since before my surgery. I am bi-monthly because of that. I would tell him of the tiredness and have him justify his reasoning behind his bi-monthly care plan for you. If you still feel that you need the extra, you can get it from your PCP.
   — Tina B.

August 7, 2002
B12 is not a "guess". It's a very measurable lab value. For a year, monthly was not enough, but before that it would've been too much. Right now, monthly is perfect. Every other month makes no sense. You either need it or you don't. The test is cheap, and even if your ins would not pay (mine did and THEY are cheap), a short series of tests just before your shot will tell you what level you are holding. If you FEEL tired, you'd probably want to aim for a level above 400 even just before your shot. My levels now reamin constant enough that I do not feel tired, nor do I feel a power surge when I give myself the shot. B12 shots are cheap, $7 when I don't run it thru my ins for 90 days, $4 when I do. They were "free to me" at the doc, but I'm kinda busy. I get the blood work every so often to be sure monthly is right. Again, it's cheap to test, cheap to treat, but can be DEADLY to guess at.
   — vitalady

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