Please help~ I am freaking out because I am 6 days post-op and hungry.

My doctor allows 2 oz. of soup drained (eating only the chicken, veggies, noodles). I get this three times a day. I do have a Edy's Whole Fruit Bar No sugar added once a day. I am drinking my water and Crystal Light at all times when I am suppose to, not one hour before, during or after meals. Why am I so hungry???? I am thinking this is head hunger, how do I fight it? Also, when do you start dumping? I tried a miniture hersery kiss, only one, to see how I would feel and I didn't feel a thing. Any suggestion will greatly help!!!!!! Candi 325/315/160    — Candi B. (posted on June 13, 2002)

June 13, 2002
You are hungry because you are not eating enough to feel satiated. I would have killed my doctor if that is what he restricted me to. If you feel like going against the medical advice of your doctor, you can always try what my doctor allowed me: a little drained lentil soup with some cheese melted in it or an egg with some cheese or even some cottage cheese and canned diced tomatos mixed up in up in it. DISCLAIMER: I had the DS. Your surgery may differ. I am not a nutritionist, dietician or doctor and am making these as suggestions as to what worked for me, not necessarilly what will work for you. But if it was me, I'd try more nutritious food over a Hershey's Kiss....
   — merri B.

June 13, 2002
My dr recommends eating every 2-3 hours to keep your metabolism steady throughout the day. Makes sense to me. It also helps keep that hunger (head or real) at bay. I would think about how many calories you are consuming--not many on 6 oz of soup and a fruit bar a day. Too few and your body will go into starvation mode. And how much protein is in that soup? Most soups I've seen have minimal protein in them. Of course you are only 6 days out and no matter WHAT you eat it won't be much. =) Just my opinion and obviously you have your own doubts or you wouldn't be asking, right?<p>Dumping: Most people have a LITTLE tolerance for sugar--mine was between 4-6 grams at first. A hershey's kiss is probably not gonna do it. If you want to experience dumping, eat 2 or 3 and you'll figure it out REAL fast! LOL
   — ctyst

June 13, 2002
Please listen to your DR. They may seem very arbritary but if you listen you will be sucessful and I know that is what you want. Good Luc
   — Robert L.

June 13, 2002
I am 5 weeks post-op, and I went through the same thing. It will get better I promise. I found myself looking through the pantry and refrigerator just like the old days, but what stopped me was not only was it slipping back into the same old pattern, but when I did try to "eat" scrambled eggs it hurt so bad! I got some fat-free pudding, and ate spagettio"s for about two weeks. They are low-fat and surprisingly filling. I had to chew them really good though!
   — tara W.

June 13, 2002
When do you use your protein supplements? That will help you feel satisfied and not so wobbly. We're on clear liquids for 4 weeks, but we start protein drinks about day 7 or so. I don't remember feeling hungry or lightheaded at all.
   — vitalady

June 13, 2002
Candi, when you get to eat more, you will feel better. I was on full liquids for the first 2 weeks, so the fact that you can have soup with veggies/chicken is pretty good. See if your doc will allow you to have protein shakes. Protein will help with the hunger, which is probably head hunger at this point. It took a month or more to understand that I wasn't really hungry, it was in my head!! I missed my old eating habits. As for sweets and dumping, everyone has a different limit. I can eat a few mini sized cookies or a bite of a candy bar or a few bites of cake without dumping, but won't even try to test it past that. At 6 days out, you probably shouldn't either.
   — Cindy R.

June 13, 2002
DEAR CANDI, I am not a doctor but i am 4 months post op and i did not have the problem your having in the beginning my problem is i don't have an appettite now or before i mean a real appetite .i did and still do get head hunger though specially when i see food on will eventully know the diffrence between head hunger and real hunger in time and if you still feel hungry after eating what your supposed to eat a little more to see what happen's unfortunatley that is the only way you can tell if you are still hungry or not the worst tht could happen would be that you will throw up whatever you could not hold in your new pouch so i would take it just one more tablespoon at a time each time you eat more.well good luck.
   — KIM B.

June 13, 2002
Hi...first of all, I'd say that you should call your doctor and explain the situation. Secondly, don't do the chocolate -- that's why you did this surgery, right, to eat healthier? Don't sabotage can do it! :) I'm no doctor, and I know that every diet is different, depending on the doc, but I'm 6 days out too, and I've been told to consume 2oz. per hour from 8a-10p, with the exception of the 8, 12N and 6 hours, when I consume 3 oz. I'm taking protein drinks, diluted juice, milk, and the creamed soup -- no appetite to speak of. ...of course when I see those pizza commercials, I get a hankering... :) but other than that, no urges or desires to eat like I used to. I agree with the other poster who mentioned the lack of protein in your diet. I would bet that's a big part of it. Call your doc -- and let us know how you are. :)
   — Karen B.

June 16, 2002
I am 11 days post op from lap DS. My appetite returned a few days ago...unfortuately, it seems to mean I'm hungry but unable to take enough in to feel better! I'm trying to just carry small tuperware containers with the remains of whatever I'm trying to eat around with me. I've found if I wait too long to's harder to get it in! I plan to live on Boston Market meatloaf and mashed potatoes. One of those meals will feed me about four to six times! But it's one of the softer meats I can think of! I'm hoping this gets easier! I had surgery so I didn't HAVE to obsess about food!
   — Pamela B.

December 11, 2002
Candi, I can sympathize, I am hungry allthe time. I am three weeks out and I am scare of eating when I am hungry in fear of gaining weight. I get hungry and tried to take a walk you know to get it out of my system but it did not work. The weather outside does not work. so I have decided to join a gym with my siblings. I hope this helps. I complained to my doctor that I felt hungry all the time and he told me I could have a small snack between meals. I was so delighted. However, I am still afraid of failure.
   — Veronica M.

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