What is a normal amount of swelling after a TT?

Ok, I need help from all of you that have had a tummy tuck. I had a TT 3 weeks ago today. My Dr. told me that there would be swelling for about 2 months but I've gone from a size 12/14 pants to an 18! Is this normal?!?!? Will I EVER see the TT results?!?! It feels like I never will. Thanks in advance to all that can help me out with this.    — Gina L. (posted on May 7, 2002)

May 7, 2002
Gina, I had a TT 7 weeks ago and let me tell you, I thought the swelling would never go away. Not only was I swollen but the scar was real ugly. Mt DR kept telling me that everything would look good. To be honest, I'm not sure I believed him. Well needless to say, he knew what he was talking about. I had my final appointment with him yesterday and I could'nt be more happy with the results. The Dr says I'm still a little swollen (I don't see it) and the scar will fade in time (already looks good to me). Hang in there, things do get better. Open RNY 7/31/01 TT 3/19/02 Renee
   — Renee D.

May 7, 2002
Gina, my TT was 4 1/2 weeks ago & I am still very swollen. My Dr keeps admiring the results & saying how flat everything is. Uh-huh!! I am finally back in my biggest jeans that fit me pre-TT, but I still have a ways to go to be back to my previous size--let ALONE a smaller size. I have a lot of swelling down really low, in the groin area. You, too?? I still wear my binder some cause it does help cut down the swelling up higher on my torso, under breasts, but it doesn't help the lower areas. I'm also wearing a light girdle that I thinks helps a bit. Boy, oh, boy, do I identify with you & the other poster!! It sounds like we all have had about the same experience. My Dr says it will be several months before I' ll see the "final results!" I'm trying to be patient, but it's hard! Good luck & flat tummies to all of us....eventually! :)
   — Kathy W.

May 7, 2002
Thank-you sooo much Kathy and Renee. I'm glad to see I'm not alone with this swelling. Kathy, my Dr. keeps telling me the same exact thing that yours is pleased he is with the results and that the swelling will go down....good thing I saved those size 18 jeans, huh? Well, if they are all telling us the same thing and they do have the schooling and experience to back them up then I guess all we can do is wait and trust......problem is I'm bad with patience. Anyways, thanks again!
   — Gina L.

August 20, 2002
Thanks for loading this Question onto the site! I came here to ask the very same and (2 weeks post-op TT) I am reassured once again... how I love that some came before me, and some will come after (smiles). I can take my bloated *** back to bed now! LOL
   — lisadiehl

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