How long has anyone waited between procedures?

I am having a panniculectomy and a mastopexy (boob lift) next Monday. I would like to have my legs and arms done about 6 weeks after. Anyone have any experience in this? The Plastic Surgeon forum here said to wait three months between procedures, but I am in a bit of a hurry...and, yes, I went through EVERY question in the plastic surgery section of the AMOS library before asking this question...Thank you!    — merri B. (posted on May 6, 2002)

May 5, 2002
Merri: I had many of my PS procedures in pretty quick succession due to a new job that I was getting ready for. I remember having brachioplasty, mastopexy, abodominoplasty, inner thighlift, implants, chin & eyelift w/i a 5 month period. I believe I waited a month between two sets of procedures w/o a problem. This would, of course, depend on your full recovery from the first procedures, depend on how you feel and what your PS feels about this. I usually need a little "time off" between surgeries to get myself together emotionally before I am ready for the next. I think that one month is doable, but you should be flexible if you need a little more time. Good luck. PS is SOOOO worth it!
   — Jill L.

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