I need to buy Protein Drinks for the first time?

I live here in Mexico CIty and I am going shopping to Houston next week, I would like to buy protein drinks to bring back home. Which would be the best one or the one that has the least problems (dumping, gas etc)    — maureenmosti (posted on April 19, 2002)

April 19, 2002
I believe that the pre mixed atkins is by far the best. Try the choclate and vanilla as they are great. 20 grams of protein and very little sugar.

April 19, 2002
Just like the previous posters I have to agree with them about the atkins shakes. Now that my taste buds are returning to normal, the ATKINS shakes by far taste better than any other protein shake on the market!! Plus its loaded with vitamins and has potassium in it!!! If you want a bigger blast of protein try adding whey protein to the atkins shakes and WHAM you got a killer protein shake that tastes EXCELLENT!!!! My Best to You on your journey!!!
   — Laura G.

April 19, 2002
You may want to visit the Nutrition Forum on this site and get an overall opinion of certain protein supplements, then decide for yourself. I am surprised that there were 3 here in agreement on the Atkins product. On the forum, more disliked it than liked it. Good luck finding something.
   — Cheri M.

May 7, 2002
My dietitian suggested boost high protein. It tastes like cocoa pebble milk...yum!
   — KCAllen77

June 8, 2003
I could not tolerate some of the proteins my doctor ordered. I went to they are very helpful and you can order samples to see what you like. It has been great!
   — uawrn

June 8, 2003
I would second the suggestion to go to and order some samples. Our tastes are all SO different that it's hard to determine what you will like based on what someone else likes. There is another site where you can get samples, but I'm sorry, I don't remember the name of it. Also, GNC will let you return something you don't like as long as you have the receipt, so you might go there and pick up a couple of things. Also, what you like pre-op you may not be able to tolerate post-op, so it doesn't help much to taste test until after you've had your surgery. Too bad we don't all like the same things, but I've seen many, many times where one person will say they love a particular protein drink and then someone else will chime in that they can't stand the same one.
   — garw

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