How to tell if BCP aren't as effective..

Ok I hate to ask a stupid question, but here goes.. The dietitian of all people told us we need to use a back-method because BCP aren't as effective after WLS.. without actually getting PG .. is there any other ways to tell. For example.. whenever I have to talk anti-biotics I have break through bleeding because the ant-biotic makes the BCP less effective.. so can I rationalize that since everything is right on track with the Pill that things are OK? We are BOTH infertile and that's why we are trying to lose weight and the whole 89 types of protection isn't exactly helping the sex life..any opinions here?    — Allie A. (posted on March 28, 2002)

March 28, 2002
Allie, I don't know anything about the pill after WLS, but have you considered switching to an entirely non-oral method, like the Depo Provera shot? I wouldn't think its efficacy would be affected at all. I was on Depo for several years and loved the convenience, although I do think it exacerbated my depression. My PCP likes to encourage her obese female patients to use a progesterone-only method like Depo because it helps to counteract some of the excessive estrogen our fat cells are producing. Some people do gain weight while on Depo, but I lost.
   — Tally

March 28, 2002
In my opinion, I would stay AWAY from the depo shot if you are already having infertility problems. Both of my daughters were on them and loved them. No pms...but now, they have both had big problems having periods at all. They've both been off for over a year and neither one had a period during the first year. One went on the pill to straighten herself out, the other is just getting periods back, but now they are 2 weeks apart! Just my opinion.
   — Yvonne R.

March 28, 2002
It sounds like you are still pre-op. If so, it's going to be a year or more before you want to try getting pregnant. If that's true, talk to your doctor about getting an IUD. Some will say they can only be used if you've had children, but I never had any and I used the IUD for about 15 years. It was great. You never have to remember to take a pill, interrupt the moment to use other barrier methods, etc.
   — garw

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