Effects of DepoProvera post-op

Has anyone stayed on Depo after surgery and been okay? I know I've gained weight prior to surgery, but I thought that was because the shot made me hungry. I've read that some people who've stayed on Depo have lost slower. I'd like to hear from some people that stayed on it. An IUD is not an option for me because I'm 22 and would like to have kids in a few years, I won't take the pill b/c I'm worried about malabsorption, and I can't use condoms because I'm very allergic to latex AND spermicide (so even non-latex, spermicide-coated condoms are a problem). Any suggestions?    — PT LawMom (posted on May 30, 2001)

May 30, 2001
I'm 16 weeks post-op and have been on Depo for about three years. The only problem I've experienced since surgery is the unpredictable bleeding. Before surgery, I never had periods, a combination of the Depo and the weight. A week after surgery, I started "my period" and it didn't stop for almost 3 weeks, my Gyno. said it was my body trying to "right" itself after going thru the shock of surgery. Since then I have spotting every couple of weeks, it lasts for about 4-5 days, which my Gyno. now says is my body reacting to my weight loss. Other than that, she hasn't expressed any concern about the effectiveness in terms of birth control of the shot right now...but with the unpredictable bleeding...who wants to have sex!! As far as it affecting my loss...I don't think it has, I'm down 75lbs so far and don't feel hungry at all! Hope this helps! :)
   — DolcezzaVT

May 31, 2001
I am 3 weeks post-op. I called my OB two days ago. She said the only option that she would be comfortable with would be one of the shots (there is the new monthly shot). She suggested we try the Depro first and go from there. She said she has used it for all her other WLS patients and it has been great.
   — Lindsey G.

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