If you have saggy skin on your inner thighs, please respond!

I just found out that the surgical procedure to remove excess skin from thighs produces a large scar down the length of the thigh. Id like to hear from people who had the plastic surgery done and those who opted to live with the excess skin. I just dont know what would be less visible. There doesnt seem to be a easy fix for those of us whose excess skin is not severe but still unsightly.    — [Anonymous] (posted on March 6, 2001)

March 6, 2001
I do have some extra skin there, sagging a little, but I have to say, I don't know how far out you are from your surgery date, but the more I have exercised and walked and worked on these areas, the better it has gotten. Not perfect, but I have worn a swimsuit in public and I will wear shorts this summer. I thought at first I would have to have surgery because it looked terrible, but really, now it is not that bad. I am 10 months postop.
   — [Anonymous]

March 6, 2001
I have saggy skin on my thighs and butt! yuk! but I do not plan to have ANY more surgery for anything. When it gets a little warmer I am going to start a very strenuous walking program and hope this helps, if not I will just wear longer shorts. I would rather have saggy thighs than more scars on my legs.
   — [Anonymous]

March 6, 2001
I have noticed I have more sagginess in the inner thighs, I am 4 months post op and down 70 pounds, I made an appointment for a consultation for lipo, I was wondering when after wls is a good time for lipo? anyone know? thanks
   — peaceangel58

March 6, 2001
You've been misinformed. The scar runs around the top of the thigh in the groin area. I'd find another surgeon. Here are some sites for reference.
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 6, 2001
I have only lost 72 pounds so far (need to lose A LOT more) and already everything is sagging, especially inner thighs. But also, apron tummy, arms, breasts you name it. The only thing that isn't saggy so far is my face!
   — Lynn T.

March 6, 2001
I, too, have shar pei inner thighs. I have "heard" that it takes a while for the skin to shrink in some & that while we're losing weight this fast, our skin can't possible keep up. So, I am exercising a lot, walking, and crossing my fingers that a ways down the road it won't be quite so bad. I don't know if I'd have surgery or not. I KNOW I can't afford it now, but if I won the lottery, I would consider it. I agree, too, I have wondered where do you stop?? I could have stomach, butt, thighs, arms, & breasts done, but then I'd also want my throat tightened up..... Although, the pictures I saw of a panniculectomy really scared me; I'm not sure if I'd want to do that even tho I'd like to be rid of the excess skin. Boy, tough choices, but if you can't afford to pay for it yourself, guess it's easy to decide! I am almost 11 months out & 160# lost.
   — Kathy W.

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