Has anyone gotten Gel Silicone breast implants?Has anyone experienced any problems?

My friend recently had Gel Silicone breast implants. She has had the following problems with them. They've started to fall,strech marks, two different sizes, and the nipples are not pointing the same way. PLEASE HELP US! Thanks a million in advance for your input!    — Sexi G. (posted on October 14, 2004)

October 14, 2004
Wow..........breast implants were not an option for me because of a previous partial mastectomy. I have no words of wisdom to pass along, but I sincerely appreciate you sharing this experience. I read your bio and I wish you the best of luck. My sister-in-laws brother and his wife had WLS by a doctor in Atlanta and are transformed, it's amazing. sincerely, Loriann
   — Loriann J.

October 14, 2004
i had them and have had no problems- they look great and i am very pleased- sounds to me like your friend needs to see a different plastic surgeon- her surgery sounds botched-
   — Jannie N.

October 14, 2004
Like the previous poster, I have silicone gel implants and love them. They are very symetrical and feel very natural. I'm sorry to hear that your friend is having such problems! I think a consult with another PS might be in her best interest. Good luck!
   — SMG I.

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