Pregnancy after tummy-tuck?

Okay, so here's my situation. I'm scheduled to have my tummy tuck in 1 week and I'm seriously doubting my decision to go through with it. The reason is that I know I'm going to have another baby one day. I decided to have the tummy tuck because my insurance will cover it. My surgeon has assured me that, while the skin certainly will strectch if I become pregnant thus compromising some of the results of the tummy tuck, the loose skin will never be as bad as it now. Has anyone had the experience of becoming pregnant after a tummy tuck? If so, what was your tummy like after you had the baby? Did it ruin the effects of the tummy tuck entirely?    — Janine H. (posted on October 6, 2003)

October 6, 2003
I've never had a baby but I can tell you that I had a complete abdominoplasty and even if I eat a little too much now, my stomach hurts from the streching that a little bit of food does. I can't even begin to imagine how bad it would hurt if I had an 8 pound baby inside!! Maybe your doctor is just cutting off your panni (I hope for your sake) and not doing an abdominoplasty (muscle tightening). That might not be as bad. I can tell you my friend (who has always been 5'8 and 130 pounds just had a baby and she gained 42 pounds and even though she has lost the weight (and she's only 23!!) she has a major jelly belly look.
   — Patty H.

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