How soon before my life gets back to quasi normal?

I mean, sex with hubby, actually having some energy, etc...    — ghallcurtis (posted on September 16, 2003)

September 16, 2003
You need to ask your surgeon for sure but my surgeon gave me "permission" for sex with hubby at 17 days post-op - surgeon wants to make sure incisions are healing well first. Actually having some energy - it comes and goes in those first weeks. I am 3 weeks out now and Sunday I was so tired I didn't think I could pick up a paper. So I rested and rested and rested and ate my protein, took my B12 and vitamins and drank my water. Monday, the next day, I had more than enough energy. Lifting and gardening is still a no-no until 6 weeks out. Have to have time for the insides to heal - don't want to tear anything.
   — Ro R.

September 16, 2003
If you had laproscopic surgery, then my doc told me to just wait until I got home from the hospital for the sex part. In terms of not feeling tired or nauseous anymore, it took me between 9 and 12 weeks to totally feel "back to normal".
   — mom2jtx3

September 16, 2003
My Doc said that sex was ok as soon as I felt comfortable. I had Lap RNY. As for energy, I was back to full engery at end of 3 mos. I am 5 mos and now I think I have extra energy :-)
   — M B.

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