How do I take my regular medications properly?

I'm 13 days post-op,still @ the liquid/soft stage.How do I take my pills? Do I take the pills then have some broth?Or should I be eating first then swallowing my pills? Does anybody know? Thanks    — Heather I. (posted on October 15, 2002)

October 15, 2002
Heather, I would imagine you should take your meds as directed depending on the particular medicine (e.g., if it says "take with food," do that, if "take on empty stomach," do that). If necessary, you might want to open capsules and mix the powder in with applesauce to get it down at first, or cut pills into tinier pieces. Where it doesn't mattern how you take them (with or without food), such as multivitamins or calcium), I take them while I'm eating or drinking and it doesn't seem to bother the pouch at all. Just keep your iron supplement a few hours away from your calcium and multivitamins (iron will "muscle out" absorption of other supplements or medications taken with it, except Vitamin C).
   — Suzy C.

October 15, 2002
If you are talking about medications (and not supplements) ask your pharmacist (NOT your doctor). For example, when I take claretin my pharmacist recommended that I take it with the smallest sip of water I could get away with and then not to drink anything more for 10 minutes. That's the dissolve time on that pill and it needs to dissolve in the stomach or it's pretty much wasted. Also never open and mix capsules without checking that it's ok first. Some capsules are dangerous or ineffective when opened and consumed. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 15, 2002
Hi Heather, I was told by my Dr to crush them and mix with a tiny bit of applesauce or a tiny bit of liquid. Hope this helps
   — Lori H.

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