Food is more emotional than physical with me .

I am usually not stomach hungry, just head hungry when I eat. What happens if that release of overeating is taken away now have this tiny stomach? Do emotional issues surface that have been stuffed down by the food? I am fairly well adjusted and am a little scared by what a dramatic weight loss could do to my emotional health.    — Pat S. (posted on September 9, 2002)

September 9, 2002
Hi Pat, Even though I am a therapist, this is not a self-serving message. I have decided that since I am an emotional eater, I will need to re-commence therapy as the weight comes off. I have gotten to a place in my life where the ONLY thing I am unsatisfied with is my unhealthy weight and sendentary lifestyle. I believe that some of my deep-seated issues may re-surface or that I might find new ones that I don't know I have. Obviously, I am a great believer in the power of therapy and to help myself toward an even better life, I am going to use all the tools I can get. Hope this helps.
   — LM O.

September 9, 2002
I agree with Lynn. Therapy could do you a world of good. I would suggest seeking someone who deals with eating disorders, even though you may not have a definte "disorder" these therapists are more inclined to understand food related issues that most others may not. You also have to be aware that not all therapists are WLS friendly. I would think that those dealing with the food issues would be more open to WLS. Just a thought...Good luck!
   — karmiausnic

September 12, 2002
I have discovered the same thing. I found that after surgery I could no longer eat over emotional issues and therefore I had to deal with everything that came up or risk making myself sick. I have been reading as many books as I can on the subject and have begun journaling. I find this especially helful when I am having trouble finding out whats eating me (PUN INTENDED) Sometimes I want to eat and I dont even know that there IS an emotional issue going on. I find that as soon as I start journaling something will surface and then I get a better understanding of why I want to eat. I also think therapy is a good idea if you find that you cant deal with some of the issues. Good luck!
   — Carla H.

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