Sugar vs. sugar alcohol

I am 8 months post-op. While looking for sugar free candy, I found a number of them listed no sugar, but did have sugar alcohol (i.e. "sugar - 0, sugar alcohol - 12 gms"). What is the difference? Can WLS people tolerate sugar alcohol? How many grams can be tolerated at a time? And, in general, how much regular sugar can people tolerate at a time, is that a maximum that WLS people can take?    — Amy P. (posted on July 28, 2002)

July 28, 2002
Sugar alcohols (like mannitol, sorbitol, etc) have less calories than sugar. <a href=>Here</a> is a link to a website that talks about sugar alcohols. <p> As far as how much regular sugar (or sugar alcohol) a WLS person can tolerate - it's the old phrase "Your Mileage May Vary" (YMMV)...
   — John Rushton

July 28, 2002
So far I've not had any problems with sugar alchols. However they are often in products that are high in FAT and CALORIES. Although there are exceptions of course. However if I eat alot of sugar alchols they do hit me like sugar... but only if I really eat alot. I'm getting to the point that if I'm hungry for a candy bar I just go with something that is alittle lower in sugar such as a Kit Kat or Planters peanut brittle. I find I can eat half a one and feel satisfied. It saves money too. Seems so many of those sugar substitutes are so high in fat in calories that it is'nt worth it. May as well eat a SMALL portion of the real thing. However if you are a new post op.... I'd wait on eating sugar as long as you can. It's not good to get into that trap to early on. ;)
   — Danmark

July 28, 2002
I am about 3 and a half months post-op and seem to do well with everything except foods high in fats. I found a candy bar that was designed for diabedes patients, I think it's called Sorbee? Anyway, it has 0 g of sugar and very low sugar alcohol but is a little high in carbs! It is fantastic but expensive. I had no problems with this product! I know a real candy bar would put me over the top!
   — jenn2002

July 28, 2002
I am 10 days post op and just ate a sugar free was yummy and I did not have a problem!
   — MF

July 28, 2002
Sugar alcohols are usually safe for diabetics and will not make us fat again. They CAN, however, give you gas and a run down the hall. My normie dad can't touch a bite. I can eat a pile with no ill effects. Since 1/1/2002, labeling has changed and anything that is considered a sweetener, even non-impact carbs is now considered "carbs". That nutritional value is now of no use to me, since it includes sugar alcohols, which do not mess with blood sugar OR make me fat again. All that said, I would not go into eating lots of s/f candies daily with the idea that they are totally free of worry. They do contain empty calories, but occasionally, they are safe.
   — vitalady

July 28, 2002
If anyone knows where I can buy the "Sorbee" candies in Upstate NY, please let me know! Thanks.
   — Danmark

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