I am very nauseous and have had dry heaves, please help.

I am 4 weeks post-op and having a terrible time with nausea and dry heaves. I had blackened catfish from Red Lobster (which I had from another location 7-4) and I got nauseous on Thurs and experienced dry heaves. My tummy hurt very badly and I went to sleep. I again tried the catfish Friday and had the nausea and dry heaves again and this time the nausea has continued. I'm miserable, any suggestions are gladly appreciated. Thanks    — lturman (posted on July 13, 2002)

July 13, 2002
If the nausea is only when you eat the fish, maybe you just aren't ready to tolerate it yet. Sometimes when I eat something it will lay heavy in my pouch and I will feel yucky. Then if i try it a couple weeks later, it will go down just fine. Early post op I was always feeling yucky and my doc put me on REGLAN. Made a world of difference. I have no problems now at all with nausea. You may want to ask your doc about it.
   — Kim B.

July 13, 2002
I had nausea weeks 4, 5, and 6. I had started more solid foods around week 3.5, and found I was not ready for things like chicken. So I stayed on a more softish diet until around week 6.5, then tried the chicken again. Things were much better and the nausea went away and has not returned (I'm 10 weeks post-op now). Basically I have found with this surgery that things are pretty hellish for the first 2 months or so. Something that tastes good one day will make you dry heave the next day. Very unpredictable. But things do get better as you go along. That new pouch of yours is still healing and I really think, in my case anyway, that my stoma closed off intermittently as it healed which caused the nausea. I still have not tried restaurant food at 10 weeks out...I think you have to be very careful of what you're putting in your delicate new pouch at least for the first few months. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

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