Am I eating enough?

Hi, Sorry to ask, and I've searched through the library, and can't get specific answer. Please let me know if you think I'm eating enough. I'm always getting flack from my mom and husband that I eat so little that I'm going to get sick. I'm 5 months post LAP RNY. Here's my routine. For breakfast I drink a protein shake 24 grms protien approx 200 calories. Lunch , the same. Mid afternoon snack, I'll have maybe two ot three ounces of cheese approx 70 calories an ounce, at 7 grms protein an ounce, and then for dinner I'll have a small , 3 ounce turkey burger with a slice of cheese on it, approx 150 calories and 15 grms protien. Sometimes I grab a handful of chex mix, in the evening, but this is once or twice a week, I'm doing around 800 calories, and sometimes up to 1000 a day. IS this too little, too much? Any opinion you can give would be helpful, Thanks!    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 7, 2002)

January 6, 2002
Sounds like not enough to me. I'd say it was ok if it weren't your regular routine. I am 6 1/2 months post op and usually get in 2 full meals a day w/80 grams of protein (thru the shakes). But I think as important as it is to get in the easier to absorb shake protein, it is just as important to eat real food. Especially the dense foods like meats. Your body works for hours to burn that and it helps your digestive system to keep working like it was designed to. I try not to substitute my protein drinks for my meals. If they are making me too full, I'll switch to CherAmino protein (which tastes nasty but packs 30 grams in 4 tablespoons). I'm less of a calorie counter than I am just keeping track that my program is balanced. Anyway, to stave off your mom and husband, see your PCP or endocrinologist and have your bloodwork done. Tell them to test for all levels including protein (something a lot of docs won't check for when they know you're in starvation mode). Get a copy of the test results and see for yourself (do a little internet research to see where your levels are supposed to be in addition to hearing what your doc has to say. Good luck and God Bless!
   — Kimberly L.

January 6, 2002
I stayed at 800-1000 calories a day for about 7 months. It didn't seem to bother me, I had plenty of energy and my bloodwork was all fine. I'd say if you're feeling good, your bloodwork is looking good, and you feeling satisfied with what you're consuming don't worry about it. If you do think you need to add, I would agree with the previous poster and switch your protein shakes to snacks and eat good food-based protein for your meals. Good luck and remember that only you know how you feel!
   — ctyst

January 7, 2002
I think it sounds like you are doing really well! I think it is hard for those who love us and have been around us before WLS to see us eating so little. Just reassure them that you are getting in just what your body needs now and that you are feeling great so they don't have to worry. Good luck!!!
   — Kellie Jo B.

January 7, 2002
I agree with Kimberly that there is not enough protein there. If you want to keep the small portions, OK, but can you balance them more fully? Perhaps an apple slice and a cracker with your cheese? But OK, 1 slice, 1 cheese, 1 cracker once between bfast & lunch, as well as similar for lunch? Another shake between lunch and dinner and some balance for dinner, like veggies. We still need those foods, too. Eating protein only doesn't really help your protein count, as you need a dab of complex carb, and the protein foods are absorbed at far less than 100%.
   — vitalady

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