I had my gallbladder removed lap and was at my cousins weeding the next day.

That was after having my daughter and tubes tied 3 weeks prior so I think i can handle pain. But am terrified. HAs anyone done both and is able to say how much worse this was.    — concetta D. (posted on May 1, 2002)

May 1, 2002
I had my gall bladder out lap and was like you out doing things the next day. I was so glad to have the offensive little thing out! I had open RNY and the pain was much worse but bearable. I mostly stayed drugged up for three days, I was out shopping by day 6. The drugs you take control the pain but make you somewhat out of it and incapable of doing much more than lay around. I really believe the two week liquid diet was worse than any pain I had.
   — cindy Q.

May 1, 2002
I had my rny done lap just 3 weeks ago along with the removal of my gallbladdar. I had my surgery on Tuesday and came home on Thursday. By saturday I drove my son to ball practice and took a 1/2 mile walk. I was only on pain medication at night through the weekend and I haven't had any since. I think it just depends on what type of surgery you are having done (lap or Open) also how much pain you can tolerate. Good luck with your journey and feel free to email me with any questions.
   — Robin B.

May 1, 2002
I had my gall bladder removed Lap and had my RNY done Lap. Recovery for the gall bladder surgery was a bit quicker but both were really quite easy. I didn't have any problems with either surgery!! Good luck to you. Vicki Mize
   — vmize

August 19, 2006
I had my gallbladder removed in an emergency lap coli (laparoscopically) in April 06. My gallbladder broke, spilling its contents and as it was not cleaned porperly during surgery, I ended up in the hospital for 5 weeks after and had to undergo an open surgery to remove the collection of fluid that formed. I was septic, had pneumonia and still to this date have complications. My right lung collapsed right after surgery as I went into shock and breathing is still difficult at times, months later. Just wanted to give you the other side of the coin!!
   — CanadianPenguin

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