What vitamins and how much?

I am scheduled for open rny on 5/21. I met with the nutritional counselor for the first (of 3) time this week. I was very disappointed, she didn't seem WLS knowledgeable. Which surprisd me becuase my surgeon recommended her. Anyway, I know about how much protein/fats/sugars I should get post-op but what about vitamins? I hear people mention children's chewable (w/ or w/o iron?) and also if I take the childrens vitamins do I still need to take a calcium supplement? I take Synthroid for hypothyroidism and I thought someone had mentioned not to take them together, is this right? Am I missing anything? I want to take this time to also say how thankful I am for this site. I have learned sooo much, you people are wonderful for sharing your stories good and bad. Best of luck to all of you! :-)    — [Anonymous] (posted on April 27, 2001)

April 27, 2001
My surgeon recommends one from just for bypass patients. it has everything we need. other dr's say 2 childrens chewables and iron, calcium and B12 supplements. i dont know anything about synthroid. sorry!
   — Kathy831

April 27, 2001
The 8 areas that will fall short are protein, iron, calcium, A, D, E, zinc & B12. We need to supplement them in specific ways. But yes, our need for calcium is much higher than the average person because we no longer have the acid to break it down, nor the jejunum in which to absorb it AND because we are losing bone mass daily. The other elements can be tested by blood, but the condition of your bones can only be tested by dexascan or better. So, some docs simply do not test all the levels, some don't really know how to supplement for "us". It's not unusual. They do know how to cut 'n paste, though.
   — vitalady

April 28, 2001
Iron and synthroid should not be taken at the same time because iron effects the way the synthroid is absorbed.
   — dream_small

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