Depro Provera & Endrometrosis

I have been taking shots of depro provera for over nine years for endrometrosis. This has elimated all pain I was experencing, as well as my peroids. My doctor said that he did not want to think about a hysterectomy before I reached 45 - I am now 43. How will my shots affect me after I have WLS?    — RhondaShoemaker (posted on September 27, 2004)

September 28, 2004
I was concerned about the shot too. I've read so many different things, one says it made them gain weight, the other said it made them loose. My doctor told me it is different with each individual the same as it is with oral contraceptives. I chose to get it anyway. It has not stunted or slowed my weight loss any and I've been on it six months so far. My sister waited to see how it affected my wieght loss before she went ahead and got it. She got hers three months ago and is still losing just fine. I'm all for it.
   — boonikki29

September 28, 2004
Like you, I have been on Depo for the better part of ten years. I am now almost 9 months post op and don't believe it has affected me any differently than before my surgery. Good Luck - Angela 252/186/?
   — Angela T.

September 28, 2004
ooops....thats 252/168
   — Angela T.

September 29, 2004
I have been on Depo for over 9 years and I get my shots every 8 weeks to control bleeding. My body needs the higher level of hormones, so I have 50% more going into my body than the average person in the course of a year. I started at 442 lbs, lost to 217 by my first PS at 12-3/4 months and now hang in the 195 range, which is 5 lbs below my goal weight. I have 1-2 more PS's which should drop me into the mid to hig 180 range and that's where I hope to hang for the rest of my life. As you can see the Depo had no effect on my WL. In my body it's like it craves the progesterone in the Depo to offset the estrogen. We all thought once I was rid of so much excess fat that I would be able to get to a normal 12 week interval but it was not to be. We tried slowly stretching it out after I had lost 150 lbs but to no avail. I did okay on 9 weeks but once I went to 10 weeks I had breakthrough bleeding. I just said the heck with it and went back to 8 weeks as we know that works. If Depo has worked well in your body for this long then I would not sweat it. I think the weight gain tends to be noticed more when people change and their body is adjusting to the new hormone levels etc. This will just be a continuation of what you have been doing. Obviously you have not gained tons of weight on the Depo so far as I'm sure you would not have continued it, so in your body it probably won't be an issue. Good luck on your surgery and get ready for an awesome ride!
   — zoedogcbr

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