I met with a plastic surgeon.. and I really need to hear from people who've had a TT

I met with a surgeon because I need to have a hernia repair. Insurance will cover the TT, but only below the belly button, not above. Do most people only get the bottom part done or is it usually both, and if they only do below the belly button, doesn't it look funny? Please help! I'm really upset about this... I was crying like a baby in the surgeons office. Also, do plastic surgeons ever do payment plans as opposed to all up front?    — Janet C. (posted on November 21, 2002)

November 21, 2002
Congratulations on your great weight loss! First of all - chin up - you've got lots of options! Removing the skin and redundant fat below the belly button is what a panniculectomy is. It won't leave you looking funny if you don't have anything else done. However, you may want to consider having some upper abdominal liposuction at the same time - you may want to consider muscle tightening too. If you have the liposuction and muscle tightening done at the same time as the panniculectomy it will cost you less because insurance is picking up part of the tab. The plastic surgeon at our office charges $2600.00 to add liposuction and muscle tightening at the same time as a panniculectomy. There are several financing options, however, the surgeons seldom allow patients to make payments directly to them. However, since many plastic surgery procedures are cosmetic and paid for by the patient they usually have a couple of outside companies that handle financing for them. Qualifying is usually pretty easy with these companies too. Another thought is credit cards or a home equity loan. I also wanted to take a second a dispel a rumor that rears it's ugly head from time to time. If someone suggests that it's possible to have a panniculectomy or tummy tuck for free if you donate the skin to a burn unit please know this is NOT TRUE!! I coordinate the surgical weight loss program for our hospital and was asked about this so many times that I contacted the director of the burn unit at the largest hospital in Alabama. He explained to me that the skin removed during a panniculectomy is not satisfactory for grafting due to excessive stretching. He further explained that the way skin is harvested for grafting is totally different than the way a panniculectomy is done. I specifically asked him "So you're saying you'd never do a panniculectomy or TT for free if someone is willing to donate the skin?" His answer was "Absolutely not". I didn't tell you this to be rude - I just didn't want someone to offer you some hope that was unfounded. Best of luck to you - don't cry - you can find a way to make it happen!
   — ronascott

November 21, 2002
My plastic surgeon told me he would do a full abdominoplasty with the muscle tightening. There is NO separate procedure code for a panniculectomy versus an abdominoplasty as far as insurance goes. It's truly up to the surgeon if he's willing to do it without charging you. My doctor wanted me to look my best and he did it. I didn't pay anything extra for it. I had a little pooch above my old belly button. Now, I'm as flat as a board. Very nice look. I would advise getting it if you have fat above your belly button. I look at it like this, you will make this doctor look like a god to potential patients after they see your before/after pictures. It's in HIS best interests to make you look as good as possible so he gets more business. If I saw someone who still had above the belly button fat and the lower hald of the stomach was flat, I really wouldn't think he was much of a plastic surgeon and probably wouldn't use him.
   — Patty H.

November 21, 2002
If possible, you may want to interview some more plastic surgeons. I did the hernia repair + tummy tuck, and consulted with several plastic surgeons before finding one that I felt comfortable with. It seems they all do this surgery slightly differently. I was amazed (after all the bandages came off and I could look at myself without wincing) to see that he had done not only above the belly button, but that he had also sculpted my thighs and most of my bottom. He did much more than I had anticipated. This surgeon just gets into his work and wants his patients to look as good as possible. His fee was reasonable (I paid only his fee, directly to him, the insurance picked up the hospital, anaesthesia, etc for the hernia), less than some of the surgeons who proposed to do less. so, if you can, shop around. Consultations are free. It's a little strange...taking off your clothes in front of a complete stranger...usually a man...and showing him the ugliest part of yourself...but after you have done it a few times it gets easier. Good luck!
   — Anne G.

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