Need help finding a doctor for a revision, any advice?

I had a VBG in '93 in Iowa (live in Lansing, MI). Regained all weight plus 15 lbs. Recommended to BTC in Ypsilanti by doctor but was turned down due to "pouch being too small".I do not understand this as I can eat almost regular size meals although EGD shows 2 openings into my stomach. They were very nice but it was frustrating to talk to a "counselor" and not to a medical person, so I was not given a medical explanation for the rejection. HELP! I need a doctor who does revisions. Thanks for any advice!    — Kathy B. (posted on August 22, 2002)

August 22, 2002
Try Dr. Donald Scholton in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It's not that far from Lansing and he did my revision (vbg to rny) and seems well versed. You can look him up in the doctor's directory on the AMOS website
   — Mary G.

August 22, 2002
Kathy, I as well had my VBG in Iowa in 1992. I am in the process of having a revision up near Chicago. I am going through Weight for Life. If you email me, I can give you their phone #. My add: [email protected]. I also had problem from my VBG i.e. stretching of esophogus, reflux and diaphoretic hernia. Dr. Kane Sr. said no problem with the revision and he will fix the previous damage. Stephanie
   — Stephanie T.

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