I am very disappointed w/ my Abdominoplasty results after 2 weeks...HELP!

I had a fairly large pannus although I was only 125 lbs. overweight before RNY. My insurance Co. approved after taking one look at the questions asked! I feel like my surgeon only took 1/2 of the pannus is still drooping and I have flaps all the way up the line of my hips still. It is a lot smaller, but not nearly flat. He did an anchor incision which is extended hip to hip and up to belly button. He says that it will look much worse before it looks better, but I read of others coming out of surgery w/ completely flat tummies? I am very upset and have been crying all day. I want to believe him, but I don't. I had NO pain after surgery and could stand and walk straight immediately also. He said he did muscle tightening as well. This doesn't look like just swelling to is actually flapped over still. Please tell me of your experiences at 2 weeks post op and then when it got better. (If it did) Thanks, Karen You can also write me at [email protected]    — Karen B. (posted on August 19, 2002)

August 19, 2002
Girlfriend, you are panicking WAY too soon. When I did my research before my panniculectomy, what I noticed is that everyone looked puffy afterward, but by 3 months they were all flat as pancakes. Trust your doc. The good news is if you still aren't happy at 3 months, go back in for a scar revision and have him tighten it up some more. But I will bet dollars to donuts you won't have to. Now dry them tears and go for a nice long walk....
   — merri B.

August 19, 2002
I don't want to make you feel worse but I have to say that what you say just doesn't sound right. Recently I had a really huge pannus I had to have removed while still very heavy. My skin was all pulled tight over the newly tightened muscles (mine was an abdominoplasty). Yes I had a lot of swelling, but it never looked like I had any type of flap look to it like you describe. Maybe someone else who has had a tummy tuck post op like you can provide more insight. Regardless of everything, do keep in mind that if it doesn't improve you can have it fixed. All of us who have had tummy tucks had to deal with having to wait and see for the real results. Myself, I'll be returning to my surgeon for a touch up at the 6 month marker in December. I think anytime reconstructive surgery is on a major scale, touch ups are common. If you need someone to talk with email me. [email protected]
   — Shelly S.

August 19, 2002
Karen, I'll be 2 weeks post-op tomorrow from my tummy tuck with muscle tightening and couldn't be more pleased with my results. I had lost 108 pounds (still have about another 10 to go) and my doctor just did the hip to hip incision. I was also able to stand straight on day 2 but I can see a HUGE difference in the flatness of my belly right above the pannus near the new belly button. There is still some swelling below the belly button but I knew that would happen and it still doesn't look that bad. The swelling will go down in a few weeks. My doctor told me by about 4 to 6 weeks but I've done remarkably well with mine. I have to say I LOVE my plastic surgeon ad am VERY happy I chose him. Do you still have drainage tubes in? If not, this could be why your still swelling. I just had my first one taken out today but still have one more in. The one was draining only about 15 cc a day but the other is still up to 30 or 40 cc a day so he refuses to take it out until at least 2 weeks post-op which will be tomorrow. Even if it is draining a little more, I would rather get rid of that stinking tube and be a little swollen for another week or so. Also, remember everyone heals at different rates so you just may be a slow healer. Typically I am, but for once in my life I actually got lucky!!!
   — Patty H.

August 19, 2002
Hi: I am just about 5 weeks post at TT and BL. What you explaiin sound a lot like me! I am not happy with my TT (my breast tho, look great) I am slightly flabby on my right side of my tummy, but the right side looks to "tight". My surgeon said the I "scarred down" (still trying to find someone that has heard that before) and I didn't heal right. Also, when I put jeans on, I still "flow" over with the flab. Granted, it is not nearly as bad as it was pre op, but nothing like I expected. The swelling has gone down since I was 2 weeks post op, cause I couldn't even get pant on that I was wearing pre, but know I can. However, I have not dropped any additional sizes, just everything is a little loose. So, unless something dramtic happens, (the doc said I'd have to wait at least 3 months post before he'd talk about any "touch" ups). For you, you need to give it more than 2 weeks. It will improve, but only time will tell as to how much. Good luck
   — Karen A.

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