Am I losing good?

I had surgery on pril 15 and so far i lost 40lbs. I started at 334pre-op and my first Dr. visit was 8 days later and my lost was 316 and my second visit i weighed in at 299 and i just weighed myself yesterday and it was 294. Is that good? I must admit that I am not taking the protein drinks/shakes(cant tolerate the taste) and iam at that stagw where i really dont eat anything. I am now trying to eat a few bites every2-3 hours but have a hard time. I do drink alot of water. I just dont feel hungry. I am trying to make a affect to eat something. But is my weight loss considered good at this early part. Thanks.    — stacey T. (posted on May 27, 2002)

May 26, 2002
You are doing great. Have you ever lost 40 pounds this quickly before? You do need to try to eat as much protein as you can. I understand not liking the protein drinks - I can drink the no sugar added Carnation Instant Breakfast but I can not stand any of the other protein drinks. About six weeks out, I started experimenting with protein bars. I finally found one I like. It's Pure Protein by Worldwide Sports Nutrition. The flavor I like most is S'Mores and I get them at Sam's Club (cause they are cheaper there). It has 19g of protein and 3g of sugar. I have one for breakfast every day to jump start my protein intake for the day. It seems to be working well; I lost 100 pounds in 5 months 1 week. I still have about 100 to go but I am well on my way.<p><p> Congratulations to you on a job well done. Keep up the good work.
   — Patty_Butler

May 26, 2002
Stacey, yes! You are doing great. There are other ways to get that protein in besides the shakes and meat. You can research it and ask away on this site. I wish you the best on your journey and am proud of your decision to have the surgery. You're on your way, gurl! Have a great ride......another thing, don't compare to others. may want to weigh yourself less; then, you won't be disappointed at the plateaus. I weigh myself about once a month and every time, it's a surprise. I never jump on the scale daily and then fret over not losing a pound or gaining a pound. I don't need that added stress.
   — Annie H.

May 30, 2002
Hi Stacey, I am in the same boat to the date. Had mine done here in Detroit on the 15th and since last Friday am at a 38lb loss. I cannot tolerate the taste of some protien shakes(only found one that wasn't good, but tolerable.) I don't know if you can tolerate milk products, but at GNC I found one call MetRX chocolate supreme. It is actually a meal replacement than a protien shake, it has 26 gr. of protien, but vitamins and minerals too, what i did was mix it with skim milk and no sugar added vanilla ice cream, this was the only way i could do it, as for the protien bars, the person who said the S'mores bars, i agree with that too, I don't really care for it, but I that is the only flavor i can tolerate when i need more protien. Hang in there. I had a 4 week plateau for 2 weeks at 35lbs then just this last friday the scale went down another 3, so maybe for people like us, we just lose a little slower, but we are losing the weight and getting healthier, that is what the overall goal is anyways.
   — stacey1273

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